Wednesday, March 16, 2011

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Dear (a) colleague:

Upon completion of the International Symposium on Graphology, held in Salvador, last September, the Entities graphology and several experts in graphology, tried to use that event to formalize a document, to be called LETTER OF BAHIA, where among other things, stressed:

a) that believed in dialogue as a form of discussion of knowledge, capabilities and the possibility of achieving common goals, within the principles embodied in the Codes of Ethics, formally approved, and that led to recognize Graphology as a powerful tool to aid in the evolution of human beings;
b) who recognized the need for the existence of entities and companies of Graphology in which a larger number of professionals and be responsible for planning the teaching, research and dissemination of Graphology as an autonomous science;
c) That would be quite beneficial if these entities could be added around a single entity, so federal, for the teaching, research and development of science handwriting also had a single guideline, the multitude of methods, systems and schools, and to be able to contribute with the formation of uniform graphology thoughts in line with internationally validated studies;
d) that such entities could coexist and work for the completion of scientific studies in the field of Graphology and also in the dissemination of scientifically validated methods and systems for handwriting analysis in all specialties and fields of application;
e) that those entities seek to consolidate a clear line of analysis, studies, research and dissemination of science and its advances handwriting world, creating or supporting the existence of Graphology courses at various levels and alignment with programmatic and workload with the needs of each training ;
f) that these entities could work harmoniously and in tune with the larger goals of science handwriting, in a high dialogue and collaborative manner, in which studies, research results were shared by all;

Finally, they recognized the need for these entities to come together in a collegiate cared about the quality of training and graphologist could establish standards of education and training, but also seek to establish partnerships with entities in the Latin American continent and Europe, seeking to improve the systems and methods of application, creating or supporting creation of Incentive Programs for Study and Scientific Research Handwriting, with awards scholarships through the country or abroad.

For technical difficulties, especially lack of time to present, discuss and approve the contents of the Letter of Bahia "in the International Symposium on Graphology was decided to postpone its release, getting any action for the future.

Now, entities graphology and graphology experts are once again mobilizing to hold the 16th, 17th and September 18th in Belo Horizonte, a CONVENTION BRAZILIAN ENTITIES graphology and, on that occasion, the First National Meeting Professional Graphology everything under the theme "Paths of graphology in our hands. "

The Convention will have as main objective the creation of Graphology BRAZILIAN ASSOCIATION OF ETHICS - ADEBRAG, which brings together the evidence from graphologists national entities around a single association, as in Europe around the Déontologique Association Européenne de Graphologues, whose organization, including is setting an example for us.

The First National Meeting of Professional Graphology is an opportunity for discussion at a high level, to establish rules regarding the teaching of graphology in our country and allow the signing of a Term Alignment of Conduct, which establish guidelines to be observed thereafter, to conduct courses in graphology in Brazil.

participants CONVENTION BRAZILIAN ENTITIES GRAPHOLOGY choose the presidency and the posts of Secretary General, Secretary Finance, Secretary of Public Relations, etc.., Deontological Brazilian Association of Graphology - ADEBRAG, positions to be occupied by voluntary and acclaim Assembly of the Convention.

With these clarifications, which we needed, we are inviting the Entities and colleagues to manifest on all these points and tell us of their adherence and willingness to work towards achieving these goals.

Objectively, we are needing to make two technical commissions, one to take care of the structure of the Convention (particularly the drafting of the Articles of Association Deontological) and another to take care of the First National Meeting Professionals Graphology.

So if your colleague is available and you feel able, we expect a ruling until the 31st of this month, about coming to write one of these committees.

Regards, Andrew Erwin
Eduardo Evangelista

ej.evangelista @

Monday, March 14, 2011

Wording For A Dinner Invitation Where Guest Pay

A great goal by only one point Herrera fruit

The climate that hovers on Bottecchia is definitely resigned, the forum is half empty, and our group is at its lowest seasonal as well as numbers such as typhus. The last part of neroverdi have helped to spread a degree of pessimism among the public and you laugh at when he scored Fantin, former Pordenone showed that very little, to tell the truth also due to the limited use by Mr. Bosi. The tip of Casarsa wrong with goals, but fight bravely stand on its own attack Montecchio, full team embroiled in the relegation zone. At 11 'with a lob pass from Vicenza from the edge of, and make concrete the specter of yet another defeat. At 34 ', fortunately, comes the great goal Herrera, who fetches a ball on the edge of the area, makes a couple of steps and kicks in the intersection. The goal is splendid and injects a bit of confidence to the home fans. The recovery is very tight, with actions on both sides. In the last quarter of an hour the Pordenone push harder and 4 minutes from the end touches the goal with Smith, a little early from the goalkeeper. Photocopy occasion soon after, but this time the people of Vicenza are missing the winning goal. Ends in a tie, a point is useful only to the guests. Next Sunday neroverdi away in Chioggia, where the field rather difficult to try to regain the lost victory ..

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Can Someone Have Hodgkin's And Notknow It?


Starting yesterday its activities, the Institute of Education Prof handwriting. Eduardo Evangelista has received many expressions of praise and encouragement, from various parts of the country and abroad.

So far recorded the following:

Ieda Freire - Department of Technical Police - Salvador
Waldeivo Souza Cortes - Director of RHeCia. - Carla Monteiro Mariza
Salvador - Salvador
Avalos Rubén Dario Gomez - Paraguay
Jorge Marcich Hill - Director INGPEC - Chile
Suely Diniz - Salvador
Mariza Ribeiro Bonfim - Salvador
Marilene da Silva - Salvador
Elisabeth Romar - Rio de Janeiro
Margarida de Fatima da Silva - Director of MSA-Salvador
Mary Lais - Salvador
Denise Pepper - Adriana Ziliotto
Salvador - President of the Emerson Institute - Buenos Aires
Vera Lima - Adriana Assad
Salvador - Rio de Janeiro
Roberto Miguel - Salvador
Deminco Joseph Felice - Police Department Technical-Salvador
Standard Spagnuolo - Buenos Aires - Argentina Magaly
Evangelista - Salvador
Alireza Souza - Recife
Rosangela Lopes - Belo Horizonte
Sinenberg Basia - Psychologist and graphology - Sao Paulo
Prof. José Carlos de Almeida Cunha - Belo Horizonte
Sandra Hill - Madrid - Spain
Gabriela Gidali - Sao Paulo
Erwin Andrew Leibl - Sao Paulo

De Avalos Rubén Dario Gomez - Paraguay - received the following message:

" Ilustre y Appreciated friend Eduardo Evangelista.
Mis mejores omen for this platform nueva de trabajo sea un medio ideal for effectively disseminating scientific graphology la, con las sure solidi of sus proyectos serán en el materialized shortest span of tiempo.Me welcome to friends as Usted tener, which gable y pone accent mucho y honored for scientific graphology dignify it.

of Abrazo hermano!
Atte.Rubén Dario Avalos "
Sinenberg Of Basia - New York:

I think it's great that you are increasing its share and that it can strengthen Graphology in Brazil. We need to do a movement for change! I work for 15 years professionally and I can contribute my experience, notably as regards the elaboration of profiles graphology.
Cheers, Basia
Avenida Angelica, 2466 cj. 254
Phone / fax (11) 2283-1708

Adriana De Ziliotto - Argentina - received:

Dear Eduardo: I'm glad

mucho tu crecimiento profesional. Conoce tu y sé Empeño that you deserve all that awaits him bueno. Con mucho cariño


PG Adriana M. Ziliotto
Graphologists PresidenteAsociación of Officers of Argentina
( 54-11) 4373-4300 / 0011 / 0012Ayacucho 560 - CP: 1026 -

Buenos Aires - Argentina
From Rosangela Lopes - Belo Horizonte:
Dear Prof. . Eduardo Evangelista,
How are you? Glad to accompany your walk. What have you done in Brazil by Graphology is a work of much recognition.
Congratulations on your performance!
I wish you success in this new stage!
Abs, Anselmo Polished
Rosangela Lopes
GRAPHOLOGY - Tel: (31) 3297-4751 - (31) 8867-3527 Email
SIGN UP - Consulting Business Management Ltda.
From Ieda Freire, Salvador:
Success always, Professor ! I admire his passion and kindness that takes care of Graphology.
Embrace, Ieda
De Jorge Colina, Chile:
Dear Friend:
thousand congratulations for this endeavor to institutionalize their knowledge and experience.
Very good name too!
Indeed, Brazil was missing an instance like this.
A big hug, Jorge Marcich
ISO 9001:2008
From Denise Pimenta:
Congratulations, Professor, for yet another achievement!
Thank you for your contributions to the advancement and consolidation of graphology in our country.
I wish you much success in this new stage.
Hugs Fraternal
Denise Pimenta

Sunday, March 6, 2011

How To Get A Shiny Raykuaza


writing traits are a reflection of personality and mental processes. The interpretation of these graphology is a science based on experimental psychology and statistics, the study of human personality through the writing traits.
The foundation of this science holds that the brain is responsible for carrying out the act of writing and therefore reflects the personality, with its detail and individual traits and unconscious.
These traits are held constant, although in special situations, we could get to write with your foot or mouth, extending the logic deformation of writing, unconscious but basic features are maintained. This feature allows you to identify text, in cases where the author tries to disguise his authorship.
The reason for the permanence of writing is that there is a fixed part, which is linked to personality and a moving part, which is linked to factors such as mood, health, etc.
These elements allow psychological profile based on a letter or a few lines. It also simplifies the analysis of personality, because permits quickly, without having presented the subject. Today, graphology has application on psychology, psychiatry and medicine. In education, facilitates the work of teachers and psychologists to meet the child's personality and development. In historical research. In the judicial field. In the selection of staff. In the knowledge of the personality. Utility
graphology in psychology, psychiatry and medicine:
In the field of psychology, allows the realization of the psychological profile very quickly, without subjecting the patient to lengthy tests. This allows quickly obtain information about the patient, without adding the stress load that some patients experience with the tests.
For children who have not yet acquired the deed, graphics tests are used, asking children to draw certain elements that work later.
in psychiatry and medicine, the application of graphology is significant also because studying the reflection of the disease (physical or psychological) in writing. In this case, it is called Graphopathology. This science can be of invaluable help, as long as you can observe the indications and limitations.
Writing a person, we can show a tendency to have certain types of diseases, to which, you should see a specialist to confirm or rule out the existence of the disease. It also serves to track the evolution of a patient.
Another branch of graphology is graphotherapy, used in treating certain psychological problems such as re-education therapy. For example, in the case of very timid, they can teach writing with the traits of people safe and this leads them to take these traits over time and come to function as desired.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Home Remedy For Roach Poop

Girolamo Moretti

born Girolamo Moretti Recanati (Italy) in 1879 and died in Ancona in 1963. Adriana

Masuello makes a great summary of her life and her approach. Let's look at some of the things he says:

His followers believe his work of great originality, since they lived isolated from the time he lived, perhaps due to religious requirements (was Franciscan Order of Friars Minor Conventual .) This does not preclude the parallel investigations with other greats of the time-Jamin as Crépieux Max Pulver.Moretti notes or writing without any preconditions and based on it, does psychology, not unlike what would be normal, ie from psychological criteria or principles. Basa

understand his method of writing as the manifestation of the human unconscious, soma and psyche reflecting their close relationship. Thus, each variable graph gives a psychological and a somatic content, meaning that all external expressions are manifestations of a very special interior.

The graphic sign is a direct recording of brain activity and neuromuscular, since in the spontaneous writing reflects the neurophysiological mechanisms and psychomotor.

The key features of his method are:

The idiographic, that is the peculiarity of each plot, giving great importance to personal individuality, avoiding general stereotypes about people.

The triple projection, emotional, mental and somatic graphic variables, since all of them are inseparable. This does not prevent one of them is more important than the others.

The signs do not have the same value, because there are three types:

a) Substantial, which reflect structural aspects of temperament and personality.

b) modifiers, ie increasing, decreasing or nuanced than indicated earlier.

c) Accidental, which reflect peculiarities of the writer, complying with the earlier portrait of the person.
can not interpret the signs of isolation, because we have to observe the interaction established between them.
Hence the traits may reinforce each other, reflecting a psychological quality or not, so that this quality is not given.

The method is still rigorously quantifying each variable on a score of 10. Try to avoid the approximations and intuitive interpretation. Thus, the absence of a variable would be represented by a 0 / 10 and its maximum presence with 10/10. These extremes are practically nonexistent. The variables that occur with higher scores are the dominant and the other signs are interpreted accordingly.

His major works are "Treaty of graphology, the most important, first published in 1914," Psychology of Writing "and" holy through his writing. "Moretti defines graphology as "experimental science, from natural graphic expression of the writer, reveals the psychophysical personality with intellective components, temperamental tendencies, skills, and predispositions somatic constitution morbid congenital and active. "

The method consists of 86 variables, which in the opinion of his followers is better than having more. explain Moretti even in recent editions of his major work" Treatise graphology "was eliminating some variables that appeared in earlier to get clarity. comment that even Crépieux-Jamin, with its 175 species graphology, said that could be reduced without losing performance quality. They say it is a mistake to interpret some letters in isolation, that is, each letter possesses a particular interpretation and that Moretti is based on three fundamental aspects:

- Pressure: Reflex changes in tone and rhythm of imprinting morfopsicológica the individual.

- graphic gesture: It would be the synthesis of a spontaneous movement, unique for each clerk

- Fugitive Gesture: Screening of individual attitudes automáticas.Las more features and graphic variables would be grouped into seven categories: spherical size, width , axial direction, linked, profile letters, aesthetics and curls -

Posted by Blogger for GRAPHOLOGY (ANGYP)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Pierrot, Harlequin and Columbine

The origin goes back to the sixteenth century, when Italy were common popular theater groups, conducting presentations on the street, as improvised repertory theater. This style became known as Commedia dell'Arte (Comedy of Art), and even today there are theater troupes that style, those famous groups who walked into a trap, and improvised performances by the towns they passed, causing his vehicle to the stage itself, their lives and the art itself.

The Harlequin first appeared with the function to entertain people during breaks in the show, but has gained momentum, reaching part of the stories.
In Brazil, the widespread story is that Pierrot, a passionate and dreamy, is madly in love with Colombina, a simple girl, a lady's maid, and love with Harlequin.
This is sly, mischievous, loves pranks, is invisible, is only seen by the elderly, new ladies of good education and children. Or it may be glimpsed by the ladies, when they steal a kiss, leaving Columbine jealous, making it ready to any Harlequin or girl kissed.
The Harlequin
usually give your heart to the beautiful ladies, that they eat become the own Harlequin. The aim of Pierrot is to capture the heart, but always failed due to the intentions of Harlequin.

Facebook Edit Sayings

CARNIVAL - Trivia historical and current

Concept and origin.
The carnival is a collection of popular holidays that occur in many Catholic countries and regions in the days before the beginning of Lent, especially the Sunday of the Fifty-called Shrove Tuesday. Although centered in disguise, music, dance and gestures, the revelry has distinct characteristics in cities that became popular.

The word carnival is of uncertain origin, although it is already found in medieval Latin, as meat or levare carnelevarium, word of the eleventh and twelfth centuries, that meant the eve of Ash Wednesday, ie the time began to abstain from eating meat during the forty days in which, in the past, Catholics were forbidden by the church to eat meat.
The very origin of carnival is unclear. It is possible that their roots are in a primitive religious festival, a pagan, that honored the top New Year and the rebirth of nature, but some say that its earliest manifestations occurred in Rome of the Caesars, connected to the famous saturnalia, orgiastic character. However, King Momo is a form of Dionysus - the god Bacchus, the patron of wine and its culture, and this pushes back the origin of the carnival to archaic Greece, the celebrations that honored the harvest. Always a way to celebrate with joy and ease, the acts of eating and drinking, elements essential to life.
Carnival in Brazil.

Not one tenth of the people participate actively in the carnival today, unlike what occurred in its golden age, the end of nineteenth century until the 1950s. However, the Brazilian carnival is still considered one of the best in the world, either by foreign tourists as by most Brazilians, especially the young audience that has not attained the glory of truly popular carnival. As stated Luis da Camara Krab, ethnologist, folklorist and musicologist, "Carnival of today is a parade, carnival watched it pays to be seen. The carnival, say, 1922 was shared, danced, jumped, screamed, catucado. Now Not so, is to be seen. " Carnival. The carnival, imported from the Azores, was the forerunner of the Carnival celebrations, brought by Portuguese colonizers. Coarse, violent, foul, was the most widespread form of play in the colonial and monarchical, but also the most popular. Was to launch, on the other revelers, water buckets, nozzles and tubes-of-smell lemons (both made of wax), lime powder (a brutality that could blind people affected), vinegar, or wine and blackcurrant to other liquids that spoiled or soiled clothes and smelly became victims. This stupidity, however, was tolerated by Emperor Pedro II and was practiced with enthusiasm, the Quinta da Boa Vista and its gardens, the so-called nobility ... And it was free until the onset of ether spray, in the twentieth century, so as the confetti and serpentine, from Europe. Carnival in Brazil. Not one tenth of the people now actively participates in the carnival-unlike what happened in its golden age, the late nineteenth century until the 1950s. However, the Brazilian carnival is still considered one of the best in the world, either by foreign tourists as by most Brazilians, especially the young audience that has not attained the glory of truly popular carnival. As stated Luis da Camara Krab, ethnologist, folklorist and musicologist, "Carnival of today is a parade, carnival watched it pays to be seen. The carnival, say, 1922 was shared, danced, jumped, yelled, catucado. Now it is not so, is to be seen. "Carnival. The carnival, imported from the Azores, was the forerunner of the Carnival celebrations, brought by Portuguese colonizers. Coarse, violent, foul, was the most widespread form of play in the colonial period and monarchy, but also the most popular. was to fly, on the other revelers, water buckets, nozzles and tubes-of-smell lemons (both made of wax), lime powder (a brutality that could blind people hit), vinegar, wine and blackcurrant or even other liquids that spoiled or soiled clothes and smelly became the victims. This stupidity, however, was tolerated by Emperor Pedro II and was practiced with enthusiasm, the Quinta da Boa Vista and its gardens, the so-called nobility ... And it was free until the onset of ether spray, in the twentieth century, as the confetti and serpentine, from Europe.
Fantasies .
The use of costumes and masks had, in Brazil, more than seventy years of success - from 1870 until the beginning of the decade of 1950. Began to decline after 1930, when prices jump the materials for making the costumes - farms and ornaments - sneakers, boots, caps, berets, caps etc.. The clothes disguise, or the costumes that graced boys and girls, were gradually reduced to the most abstract possible in the name of freedom of movement and flight to the sunshine of the hottest period of the year.
Carnival Balls.
European Carnival began in the street, with parades of floats and costumes and, indoors, with dances, costumes and masks. The carnival in Rio, Brazil's certainly the first, appeared in 1641, promoted by Governor Salvador Correia de Sá e Benevides in honor of King John IV, restorative throne of Portugal. The party lasted a week, on Easter Sunday, with parade of street fighting, racing, dirty blocks and masked. Another important event was the carnival of 1786, which coincided with the festivities to celebrate the wedding of Don John and Princess Carlota Joaquina. But the first-ever masquerade ball held in January 22, 1840, hotel Italy, in Largo do Rossio, in the same place that would rise after the movie theater and then San Jose, Tiradentes Square in Rio It cost two escudos, with the right to supper. However, the vogue of the carnival in opera houses only became widespread in the 1870s. Joined the fashion theater Pedro II, the theater Santana, and then to the mass merchants entered the dance, Skating Rink, the Guanabara Club, the Club of Long River, the Societe Francaise de Gymnastique, in theaters that lined the side of public dances, but in the social area selected.
Carnival of Pernambuco and Bahia.

Pernambuco Carnival, especially in Olinda and Recife, is one of the busiest in the country, and this feature has grown in parallel with the extinction of the street carnival in most Brazilian cities, because of the parade samba schools. The main attractions Carnival in Pernambuco - whose dances are also the most animated - are in the street, Frevo, Maracatu, the associations of caboclinhos, the immense popular participation in the blocks (reminiscent of the old modernized "strings") and the clubs frevo. In Recife and Olinda revelers dance and sing, even without uniforms or costumes, the sound of orchestras and bands that make the party. The sets are the most animated frevo Brushes, bullfighters, lumberjacks and others. Remember, the cadence, the old ranches, are linked to the maracatus african-Brazilian traditions. Already caboclinhos are another type of college folk, whose parades are only seen and applauded. The other city in which popular participation is customary, and where they all sing, dance and play is the Savior.
An invention that emerged in the 1970s and that, unlike the Frevo, could spread to other states and cities, the trio was electric - a monumental truck in which install sound systems, equipped with powerful speakers that reproduce the compositions carnival continuously recorded. There is also, as in Recife and Olinda, who improvise many popular but simple costumes also adopt a playful attitude and wear the costumes of fifty or a hundred years ago. All this clearly expresses the spirit that drives the momesco irreverent crowd of total relaxation.

Low Lights In Dark Hari

III Seminar of Science and Cognition and Brain Week II - RIO DE JANEIRO


DAY 16/03/2011

Session 1 09:00 / 24:30


- "Philosophy and Language" - Prof. Dr. Antonio Serra do Amaral (Universidade Federal Fluminense) - "Cognition, language and visual impairment" - Prof. Dr. Virginia Kastrup (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) - "Language in Human Evolution" - Prof. Dr. Beto Vianna (Federal University of Minas Gerais) - "Language and hypermedia: new cognitive schemata" - Prof. Dr. Glaucio Spider Organization (Science and Cognition)

Session 2 14:00 / 17:20 -


- "Cognitive Development and critical periods "- Prof. Dr. Claudio Alberto Serfaty (UFF) - "Learning and memory: from molecules to cognition" - Prof. Dr. Jainne Ferreira (New York University) - "Disorders of learning and behavior of children and youth: a clinical perspective" - \u200b\u200bProf. Dr. Elizabeth castelonis Konkiewitz (Federal University of Grande Dourados)

DAY 17/03/2011

Session 1 09:00 / 24:30 -


"Walking without fear and without vision: Experiment with locomotor device sensory substitution visual / tactile "- Prof. Joffily Dr. Sylvia Beatrice (Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense) -" The use of Virtual Reality environments and cognitive nareabilitação Augmented Reality "- Prof. Dr. Rosa Maria E. Moreira da Costa ( State University of Rio de Janeiro) - Prof. Clynton Dr. Correa (UFPR) - "Biographical Documentary: creation, memory and learning" - Prof. Dr. Denise Tavares (Universidade Federal Fluminense)

neurokines (parallel event) 14 : 00 / 17:20 -


DAY 03/18/2011 (Advanced studies)

Session 1 09:00 / 24:30 -


Prof. Dr. Monica Rocha (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) - Prof. Dr. Theresa Rachel Bonfim (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) - Prof. Dr. Jainne Ferreira (New York University) - Prof. Dr. Edward Ziff (New York University) (in English)

Session 2 14:00 / 17:20 -
TOPIC: cellular and molecular bases CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY

- Prof. Dr. Ricardo Reis (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) - Prof. Dr. Regina Kubrusly (UFF) - Prof. Dr. David S. Tukey (New York University) (in English)

How To Replace Flossing


The wine contains antioxidants which ensures heart health and fight premature aging

By Marina Garrido

Wine is good for health and, for that matter, nobody disagrees. The drink, which has a grape base, spreads throughout the body loaded with antioxidants, those substances that inhibit premature aging of cells. "The distribution of the antioxidants in fruit is about 60% in the seed, 33% bark, 5% in the pulp and 2% elsewhere," says clinical nutritionist Daniella Santos Gallego, the Syrian-Lebanese Hospital in Sao Paulo . Good for the body in general, but especially for the heart.
is that these valuable allies clear the way for blood to flow smoothly through the vessels. Hence the lower risk of stroke.

Mighty resveratrol

Who wants to rid the heart of possible trouble should keep the name of this type of antioxidant. When absorbed, the substance helps in increasing the good cholesterol (HDL) and decreasing the bad (LDL). "In other words, resveratrol prevents the buildup of plaque, an action that prevents arteriosclerosis," emphasizes the nutritionist Natalia Golden Beauty Clinic Nutrition, the state capital. The problem is that the body can not store it so it must be eaten every day.
The American Heart Association has researched the moderate daily consumption of wine (one cup and half for men and only one for women), during meals, in reducing cardiovascular disease. At the end of the study, it was confirmed the benefit of the liquid to the heart. "However, we must not forget that wine contains alcohol and the excessive consumption can undo all the protection that resveratrol provides the body," says Natalie Gold. So, anything beyond the daily limit. One must remember that the intake is restricted to pregnant women and persons who have a history of alcohol dependence. Cases of headache (headache), dizziness and gastrointestinal problems also fall into this restriction. Who does not fit in neither case, fill the cup and health! Tim-tim.
The red wine concentrate greater amounts of resveratrol than other types of drink.

is from Brazil!

Now you can celebrate: the wines Brazilians are in second place in the ranking of the fastest contain resveratrol. Research by the journal Nature found that the products have tupiniquins 2.57 mm / liter of the substance, second only to France, with 5.06 mm / liter. The determining factor for a wine that has more or less of the antioxidant is the environment in which the grape is grown. The more the vine suffers from moisture, it produces more resveratrol, which protects it from fungi - weather conditions typical of the Serra Gaucha, where they are produced most examples of the country

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Salieri Vietnam Story

CRÉPIEUX-Jamin (1858-1940)

'L'harmonie de l'écriture est faite de ses proportions heureuse, de sa Clarté, de l'accord between toutes ses parties. Les simple lines, spare et aises, précisent Davantage sa valeur. L'harmonie de l'écriture correspondence to that character is the mark of superiority.
disproportions, exaggerations and inconsistencies are enough, on the other hand, to characterize the writing inharmonious, but its lower floors are formed with the assistance of the confusion, complication, and especially the grossièreté.L ' disharmony of writing reveals the inferiority of character. "

J. Crépieux-Jamin, 1930

's work Crépieux-Jamin developed the vocabulary handwriting, has proposed a classification of graphic signs and noted avenues for psychological interpretation. It should be noted the lack of reference to any particular theory of personality. Somehow, this is not the writing that reflects the personality but the reverse: the specific dynamics of the writing lead de facto dynamic personality. Only the moral logic gives an impression of cohesion in its approach to human psychology.
Crépieux-Jules Jamin is a leading French handwriting which contributed to the development of this practice. He was raised by his mother at Arras in northern France, and was destined to become a watchmaker. The development of this industry, however, threatened trade and Crépieux-Jamin then proceeded to dentistry. In 1889 he moved to Rouen, opened a dental practice and married a woman who gave him several children. Jamin admits Crépieux-Freemason, anti-militarist and anti-clerical. He discovered the writings of Michon and develops a growing interest in graphology. In 1897, he was mandated to participate in the expertise of the "slip" in the Dreyfus affair. First compiling a psychological profile to the detriment of the accused, the handwriting changes his mind and says that the author Text is not compromising Alfred Dreyfus. His involvement in this matter will not let him free. By defending Dreyfus, he is under pressure and threats. Customers deserting his dental practice. He devoted himself mainly to its occupation of handwriting.
From theoretical point of view, the positions of Crépieux-Jamin should be placed in line with those of Michon. The vocabulary of the two men is similar. Crépieux-Jamin however take a series of laws (some of which contradict those of Michon) and a new classification of graphic signs. These two syntheses
orientation (and mainly that of Harmony) thus allow the author to detect the superiority or inferiority of the writer in terms of intelligence, morality and desire. In his book "ABC of graphology, Crépieux-Jamin fifteen sets rules" whose handwriting it must be inspired to achieve the best results "(1930, p. 19). These rules mainly recommend that we should not engage in a thorough review handwriting on one document, it must classify the graphical features in order of intensity, etc.. These principles are still quoted and used by French graphologists current.

handwriting analysis conducted by Julius Crépieux-Jamin, undated. Departmental archives of the Pas-de-Calais, 79 J 5.

Between 1903 and 1907, Crépieux-Jamin participated in the experiments of Alfred Binet. At that time, Binet was interested in any evidence of human intelligence. During these few years, Crépieux corresponds with Jamin-Binet and conducts handwriting analysis to the blind. The synthesis of these experiments is published in 1906 (Binet, 1906). The work
Crépieux-Jamin developed the vocabulary handwriting, has proposed a classification of graphic signs and indicated trails psychological interpretation. It should be noted the lack of reference to any particular theory of personality. Somehow, this is not the writing that reflects the personality but the reverse: the specific dynamics of the writing lead de facto dynamic personality. Only the moral logic gives an impression of cohesion in its approach to human psychology.

15th B Day Cake Ideas


El Museo de Grafología Augusto Vels' Puerto Lumbreras está dedicado the life and work of Augusto Vels and contributions to graphology.
The museum is housed in one of the rooms on the first floor of the Centro Cultural de Puerto Lumbreras. This room was fitted out to expose the funds donated by Augustus himself Vels.

Graphology Museum is inside the Cultural Center, on the ground floor. In one of its rooms monograph deals with the biography of this illustrious character and matter in which he underlined. Thus the town of Puerto Lumbreras pays tribute to one of its most illustrious sons: August Vels. Augusto Vels
The Board was inaugurated in 1999 and has all the work of the famous handwriting D. Alfonso Velasco Andreo Known as''''Augusto Vels, born in Puerto Lumbreras in 1917.
This museum is unique of its kind on the subject that addresses monograph. Graphology, which greatly emphasized Vels, is the science of deciphering the psychology behind the signs of writing.
With this room paid off a debt to the illustrious lumbrenrense. Unfortunately, this character, which has received major awards worldwide, remained virtually unknown to their neighbors.

The room is located on one end of the ground floor of the Centro Cultural de Puerto Lumbreras.
The material is divided between the walls and windows of the room. However, such is the quantity of works they do not have enough space to properly display a profusion documentary.
The House of Culture building is a modern plant, due to its recent construction. Its privileged position at the foot of the promenade makes it accessible and close to all the people.
The room devoted to the Museum of Graphology Vels''Augustus''has air conditioning and lighting, to ensure the preservation of material exposed. However, much of the material remains in boxes for storage.

graphology Bringing everyone

Since the inauguration of the Museum of Graphology Augusto Vels, the City of Port Lumbreras organizes lectures and courses in graphology taught by recognized professionals.
is intended to carry on this form with the information and training in this field to all those interested, considering the need to organize these courses to regional and national level as well as upgrading the museum with information technology.

Dirección: CALLE DE OCTUBRE diecinueve 14.
España Teléfono: 968402925

Congratulation On Baby Professional


In the period from March 2 to 2 computing Maio/11 we are all that are left in the COMMENTS several issues posted on this blog.

The person who leave the most comments get completely free, by post, CAP System, a copy of the thesis "The Graphologia Legal Medicine" , first scientific paper on graphology written in Brazil, by Dr. José Aguiar Costa Pinto, historical edition, launched during the Symposium International Graphology.

So, when visiting the materials posted on this blog, leave your comment. Each comment is worth one point. The book will gain the visitor to leave the most comments

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RAS \u200b\u200b- introduced the GRAPHOLOGY SCIENCE IN SPAIN


Francisco Viñals
President of AGC España

We consider Matilde Ras la de la introductory scientific graphology en España, gracias a ello if produjo that directly pudo estudiar con los maestros de la main Graphology as Jules Crépieux-Jamin, foremost among them. When he came back to Spain to disseminate and implement what they have learned, it was not easy at first because it was the handwriting as one more Mancia, occultism, witchcraft and quackery, but bravely fought and won. And recovering the good image of graphology, which began centuries before the English physician and writer named John Huarte of San Juan, and also those basic graphology experts as Miracle and Carbonell, Val EARTH, and Batlle Rocamora, etc. and most importantly, Vels Augustus himself was interested in graphology through it. Then we present a "Portrait" of this Master of Graphology in Spain, written by Augustus himself Vels.

Augusto Vels
AGC of Spain Bull 3

Ras Matilda born in the beautiful city of Tarragona the first of September, 1881, in the midst of a family with great intellectual curiosity. The father is an architect and mother made the Magisterium in France and then Spain. Therefore, part of the intellectual circles of the time in the beautiful Mediterranean city. Matilde Ras is the oldest of two brothers, Aurelio, a year younger than her and then will be the father of another eminent graphologist: Silvia Ras. Matilda's father is a restless man with a vocation a bit nomadic. When Matilde has two years running with her and his wife to Cuba, leaving the young child, Aurelio, with love, in Alcaniz. Back in Spain, for Matilda's father died in Cuba, are installed in Tarragona, Barcelona soon and after a couple of years living in Soria, where the mother is married to an Engineer of Roads, Channels and Ports caring man, which Matilde and her brother kept good memories. After a short time, also killed his stepfather and returned to Barcelona after a few months in Zaragoza. Finally he settled in Madrid, where Matilde finished high school, not without accusing the small trauma of so much change of school, but his true masterpiece is his own mother, as we said, had the race of the Magisterium. From a very young woman, Matilde Ras shows a great willingness in the literature. Read a lot and writes short stories and cartoons, which later will become inspired and funny stories for kids that are very successful and are published by various magazines for children. Matilde also shown as a young woman, a great disposition and vocation for drawing, arriving at 18 years, intended to teach Drawing. Another of his "hobbies" is the translation of verses that performs brilliantly almost literally and without losing the rhyme or the flavor and authenticity of the authors (Verlaine, Baudelaire, Paul Valéry et al.) His brother Aurelio, a man of high culture influences her in-depth study of the age of Louis XIV, became a passionate reader of Voltaire, which will psychobiographers study based solely on their correspondence, since it could not have handwriting. This study psychobiographers, which she always spoke with great interest, as if it were his masterpiece, is still unpublished. His great love of literature makes you collect a lot of books and traveling regularly the bookstores. In one of these libraries, Aun siendo muy joven, y Descubre el libro de Juan purchase Hippolyte Michon titled "Practical Methods of Graphology." Naturally, en el libro is French, the language that dominates
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How To Make A Homemade Bathmate

canopy of Bernini (St. Peter's Basilica - Rome)

The St. Peter's Basilica (Latin Basilica Sancti Petri in Italian Basilica di San i P eter ) Is a basilica in the Vatican State , in the case of most of the churches of Christianity and one of the most visited Christian sites. It covers an area of 23,000 square meters or 2.3 hectares (5.7 acres) and can accommodate over 60 thousand devotees (more than one hundred times the population of the Vatican ). It is the building with the most prominent interior of the Vatican, its dome being a dominant feature of the skyline Rome, and adorned with 340 statues of saints , martyrs and angels . Located in St. Peter's Square , its construction has received contributions from some of the greatest artists in the history of mankind, such as Bramante , Michelangelo, Raphael and Bernini .
was proven that under the altar of the basilica is buried
St. Peter (from which the name of the basilica) one of the twelve apostles of Jesus and the first Pope and therefore the first line of papal succession. For this reason, many Popes, starting with the first, have been buried at this site. always existed a temple dedicated to St. Peter in his grave, extremely simple initially, over time, the devotees have been increasing the sanctuary, culminating in the current basilica. The construction of the current building on the former began in April 18, 1506 and was completed on November 18, 1626, was consecrated immediately by Pope Urban VIII . The basilica is a popular place of pilgrimage for its liturgical functions and historical associations. As a work of architecture, is considered the largest building of its artistic period.

Baldaquin of the most impressive is the Basilica of St. Peter's in Rome. Gian Lorenzo Bernini created for the papal altar above the tomb of St. Peter, a technical and artistic masterpiece to Pope Urban VIII Barberini.
This is a high canopy of gilded bronze, nearly 30 feet high, built from 1624 to 1633. From marble plinths, which shows the shield arms of the pope, rise four twisted columns that support the weight of the canopy with a globe and a cross. The design is lush, full of energy and motion own the Baroque, the ideal solution for the vast open space inside the central dome.
For brass enough to melt the Pope ordered the Pantheon ancient bronzes, making this the Roman people say: "What the barbarians failed to do, the Barberini did ... '
The Chair of St. Peter, or Cathedra Petri built by Gian Lorenzo Bernini from 1656 to 1666, is 20 meters. Massive sculpture in marble and bronze and gilded stucco, was placed in the apse for Pope Alexander VII and contains the most precious relic the basilica, the Petri cathedra, or chair of St. Peter (indeed, it is the wooden throne at the Charles the Bald was crowned emperor in 875). At the top there putti or boys with the papal insignia and a multitude of angels between rays of golden bronze. The Chair glorifies the office of pope, as the representative of God appears as the link between heaven and earth.
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Difference Between Licence Deed And Lease Deed

ABGCJ the 2010 International Symposium on Graphology Moment

Given the large number of participants (about 250) at the International Symposium of Graphology who organized and realized in September 2010 here in Salvador, many people have had the opportunity to understand many details that were scattered in the foyer of Hall Hotel Vila Gale Ondina, among others, the presence of banners welcoming the elegantly participants.

Today we want to highlight one of many that the Brazilian Association of Graphology Crépieux-Jamin - ABGCJ, whose Honorary President Dr. Jean Claude Obry , presented at the Symposium and that is stored among several other objects that form the memory of that event.

also highlight that the Brazilian Association of Graphology Crépieux-Jamin was the entity that signed up over their members / students at the Symposium (about forty), and thus won the award in this regard, which is a volume of Thesis "The Graphologia Legal Medicine ", which we are sending to draw between those who were participating in the Symposium.

Despoible Makup Brushes


Upon completion of the International Symposium on Graphology we conducted in September 2010 in Salvador, we had opportunity to meet with Antonello Pizzi and Sergio Bello, Presidents Associazione Internazionale di Psicologia della Scrittura respectively in Italy and Switzerland, so we draw some future plans for the establishment of dialogue between the Brazilian and graphology to be held at that association, developed, in origin, the brothers Marchesan.

The informal meeting took place in the restaurant Teatro Castro Alves (Salvador), where exchange kind also with other participants in the symposium, the day of our birthday.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Memorex Touchmp Linux

Graphology & NLP

The course of implementation GRAPHOLOGY & NLP offered in Sao Paulo by INEXH - National Institute of Human Excellence is a course where you can acquire information about the science of writing and how to bring self-knowledge through this secular tool.
This is a "dip" in the universe of Written Communication, one of the important ways to bring to the world about what you think, feel and how it works, besides giving details stored in the unconscious often underexploited or almost totally obscure its share racional.No set of information contained in the programming this course is the cornerstone of science Graphology and how to use them in the professional and personal.
Because it is a course of implementation, will enable the participant to delve into his existential singularity, but the topics that will lead only to self-evaluation, not to trace or draw up profiles of others graphology.


1. - Ethics of Graphologist
2. - Objectives of Graphology
3. - The Graphology as a Science
4. - Historical Summary
5. - Schools and Lines of Thought
6. - Emergence of Writing (Alphabet and combinations)
7. - Study of the ZONES (lower, middle and upper)
8. - Introduction to the Study of Graphology and NLP
9. - Level 10 Form
. - Steps to prepare a profile graphology
11. - Use the area of \u200b\u200bprofessional practice
12. - Margins (Use the spaces)
13. - Signature (our personal coat of arms)
14. - Drafting of own profile page.

Class A Pioneer - pictured above - was done by our colleagues Cilinha Sandra Santos and Vieira, with logistical support Thiago Alves Rodrigues, all of Belo Horizonte.

Monday, February 28, 2011

How To Decoke Injector

THE DAYS OF THE OTHER Pordenone 27/02/11

Round Pordenone for the rest of football that will fall to 5 in the field to Valleloncello March 3, for the important direct clash against Bologna Study 4.

depressing weekend for our standard-bearer of Hockey (A1) and basketball (B). Pordenone 2004 lost 9-5 against the Palamarrone Forte dei Marmi, the Forum passes easily Castelnuovo (60-47), which takes off in the fourth quarter after three partial ugly fight but for the spectators. For both our teams exit the field between the grumbling of fans now too resigned to challenge openly. For Pienne the only hope of staying in B is the repechage for the hockey arancioblu truth is approaching the challenge with Prato. Losing one is A2, or play-out.

Math Is Cool Cube Field

The Bottecchia yet conquered

After SandonàJesolo, Rovigo and Chioggia, including the City of Concord from Bottecchia back with three points. The Bianconeri have guests spend the fifth with a shot from outside Della Bianca, seemed not irresistible. The Pordenone press throughout the first half, however, creating opportunities worthy of note. Of note just a nice volley of Buttignaschi finished high over the crossbar. In the second half the neroverdi continue to attack and begin to create some scoring important, especially with Rossi, who misses a step away from the door. Rossi himself gets a net penalty in the 65th, an episode that provokes protests incomprehensible to guests. The coach and defenseman Bisioli Cervasio are expelled. Bailer transformed. At this point the home crowd pushing to get the win, but it happens more or less what happened during the game with Chioggia guests outnumbered returns, always with Della Bianca exceeding Battiston with a shot from outside the . Needless forcing the end of Pordenone, and the small Concordia bring home three points having passed twice the midfield throughout the game. Very disappointing evidence of neroverdi who have great difficulty when they face teams perched on defense. Not even proof of our wonderful supporters, very erratic in cheer. Next Sunday we play Quinto di Treviso.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Viral Infection In The Eye

deontologique européen Code of graphologie

Developed at the instigation of the French Society of Graphology and Handwriting of the Groupement des-Tips
France This European Code of Conduct is intended to define the rights and duties of graphologists anxious to practice their profession in accordance with professional ethics.

-Graphology , human science, technical observation and interpretation, allows the study of personality by examining the writing. The handwriting-
studying the personality of the writer. He works exclusively on authentic manuscripts. It performs this analysis and synthesis in response to a request for business or pleasure.
-The handwriting has a duty to maintain and develop their skills.
-The handwriting is committed to using only the methods for its practical work in the limits of his knowledge and experience. The handwriting-
refrain from issuing diagnoses in areas reserved for the medical profession. Any graphologist
-signatory of this code should not bring up his diplomas on graphology business records, if they are associated with an activity related to the occult or divination. He must refrain from making publications or advertising in periodicals pertaining to this same type of activity.
-Work done by handwriting require respect for moral and professional values. The handwriting must safeguard its independence in all circumstances, his honesty and his sense of humanity. It must not be influenced by any bias in respect of any question of gender, race, politics, social class and religion.
-In any study, the handwriting expert care tact and discretion. In the work of professional selection, it avoids dealing with aspects of the personality of the writer who is not related to the criteria of the post. His language should be clear, careful, unambiguous. It must be in its work completely impartial and refuse any analysis of convenience.
-The handwriting will not be used in order to harm others, the documents and the information it holds. As the sole judge of the value of documents submitted to him, he may refuse to perform an analysis without having to give reasons. He must refuse to give an opinion on a document which he knows to have been embezzled or stolen. He should refuse to work on documents faxed or photocopied because they affect the quality of the line. The handwriting-
must respect the laws of his country regarding the human person and especially the privilege that must be kept both verbally and in disseminating the documents.
-The lawful possessor of a document is solely responsible for the consequences to the analysis. The results must be sent exclusively to the applicant. The handwriting-
not include clients with their consent. He can not communicate or publish texts, or their analysis, with the consent of the person du du document or possesseur.
-Chaque association or Groupement ayant signé ce graphologues of code to read the déontologie s'engage respecter et faire appliquer par chacun de ses membres diplomas. Les infractions du Conseil de discipline relèvent of chacun des Associations des pays or co-Groupements signataires.


consider important to know the various codes of ethics of Graphology, so we can improve, where necessary, existing in Brazil.

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Inanimate objects are represented in painting since the Middle Ages, general fund religious paintings as realist. But it is only in the mid-sixteenth century that still life emerged as an independent artistic genre in the works of painters such as Pieter Aertsen (1507 or 1508 to 1575) and Jacopo Bassano (ca.1510 - 1592), which articulate the religious themes to life daily and genre scenes. The symbolic and grotesque compositions of Giuseppe Arcimboldo (ca.1527 - 1593) - with fruits, animals and objects composing pictures - feed into the development of still life in the period. In moving to the seventeenth century, the figuration document required by the natural sciences play a prominent role in the recovery of an art that aims to represent the objects and nature such as empirically observed - for example, Jacopo Ligozzi (1547-1627). Thus, the process of gradual autonomy of still life painting tracks both naturalistic (associated with scientific illustration) and genre painting, exemplarily represented by the Dutch artists of the seventeenth century and its domestic issues, figured in great detail. Objects frequently chosen to compose still lifes are tables with food and drinks, tableware, flowers, fruits, musical instruments, books, tools, pipe, tobacco, etc., all referred to the private and domestic sphere, the vocations and to hobbies, decoration and living inside the house.

Devaluation of this pictorial genre is reflected in his own name in Romance languages, "still life", "Still Life", and in the Saxon language, "still life", "Stilleben" (still life life in suspension). Caravaggio (1571 - 1610) is one of the pioneers in the genre, exercised between 1592 and 1599 (detail of Bacchus, 1593, Basket of Fruit, 1596). The choice of "natural painting of natural things" (highlighting the presence of the body and the reality revealed by detailed object of the contrasts of light and shadow), the choice of popular brands to compose religious scenarios and taste for genre scenes mark the works of the Milanese painter, one of the first to challenge the hierarchy imposed by the theorists of the era that saw the still life as a minor matter. "It costs me so much work to make a good picture of flowers as a table of figures," he says. In Spain, Juan Sánchez Cotán (1560 - 1627) renews the genre, drawing upon the opening of windows to frame the objects (Still Life with Quince, Cabbage, Melon and Cucumber, 1600). In the south, the theme is adopted by Zubaran Francis (1598 - 1664), which develops a naturalistic religious work, producing a parallel series of still lifes and genre scenes. In Madrid, Juan van der Hamen y León (1596 - 1631) gives new dimensions to this type of painting, arranging the objects in different levels and reducing the number of scene elements (Still Life with Fruit and Silverware, 1626).
Jean-Siméon Chardin (1699 - 1779) is the great French painter of still lifes and works of the genre. In the famous Stingray (1728) to show their preferences of composition: a shelf of stone and the austere interior ambience, the objects arranged in a practical (suggesting human activity), the textures of linen and ceramics, the cat among the oysters and bloody stingray in the center of the frame. Chardin small screens - with kitchen items and their users, environments domestic and everyday scenes - affiliate themselves to the tradition of Dutch painting cabinet. In the nineteenth century, the Impressionists, though accustomed to outdoor landscapes, still lifes are going to hold, but with Paul Cézanne (1839-1906) that the genre takes on new dimensions, immortalized by the compositions performed with apples since 1870. Unlike de Chardin, whose work allude to the preparation of food in the kitchen and the tools of the artist, the works of Cezanne objects appear disconnected from their use. "Suspended between nature and usefulness, [apples of Cezanne] exist only to be contemplated", the historian U.S. Meyer Schapiro.
arrangements of disparate objects in different compositions and collages by Juan Gris (1887-1927), Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) and Georges Braque (1882-1963) still life associate directly to Cubism, although the gender across all modern art, as indicated by the works of Vincent van Gogh (1853 - 1890), Fernand Léger (1881 - 1955), Henri Matisse (1869-1954), Chaim Soutine (1893 - 1943), Pierre Bonnard (1867 - 1947), among others. Giorgio Morandi (1890 - 1964) is the most modern painters which focuses on still lifes. Its objects - bottles, candlesticks, jars - compounds based on subtle color combinations, are emptied literary and symbolic content, which gives these works a highly personal diction.

In the history of Brazilian art compositions with fruits and vegetation of Albert Eckhout (ca.1610-ca.1666) are among the first still lifes made. You can follow the genre during the nineteenth century, with the productions of Agostinho da Motta (1824-1878) and Stephen Smith (ca.1844-1891), significant painters in the context of Rio. In São Paulo, in the first half of the twentieth century, there is a production of Peter of Alexandria (1856-1942). With the artists gathered at the Center Bernardelli e Grupo Santa Helena, nas decades of 1930 and 1940, or gender ganhar importância na nova Brazilian art. We years of 1950, Milton Dacosta (1915 - 1988), Maria Leonie (1917 - 1984), Iberê Camargo (1914 - 1994), among outros, realizam natureza-morta.