Sunday, February 27, 2011

Viral Infection In The Eye

deontologique européen Code of graphologie

Developed at the instigation of the French Society of Graphology and Handwriting of the Groupement des-Tips
France This European Code of Conduct is intended to define the rights and duties of graphologists anxious to practice their profession in accordance with professional ethics.

-Graphology , human science, technical observation and interpretation, allows the study of personality by examining the writing. The handwriting-
studying the personality of the writer. He works exclusively on authentic manuscripts. It performs this analysis and synthesis in response to a request for business or pleasure.
-The handwriting has a duty to maintain and develop their skills.
-The handwriting is committed to using only the methods for its practical work in the limits of his knowledge and experience. The handwriting-
refrain from issuing diagnoses in areas reserved for the medical profession. Any graphologist
-signatory of this code should not bring up his diplomas on graphology business records, if they are associated with an activity related to the occult or divination. He must refrain from making publications or advertising in periodicals pertaining to this same type of activity.
-Work done by handwriting require respect for moral and professional values. The handwriting must safeguard its independence in all circumstances, his honesty and his sense of humanity. It must not be influenced by any bias in respect of any question of gender, race, politics, social class and religion.
-In any study, the handwriting expert care tact and discretion. In the work of professional selection, it avoids dealing with aspects of the personality of the writer who is not related to the criteria of the post. His language should be clear, careful, unambiguous. It must be in its work completely impartial and refuse any analysis of convenience.
-The handwriting will not be used in order to harm others, the documents and the information it holds. As the sole judge of the value of documents submitted to him, he may refuse to perform an analysis without having to give reasons. He must refuse to give an opinion on a document which he knows to have been embezzled or stolen. He should refuse to work on documents faxed or photocopied because they affect the quality of the line. The handwriting-
must respect the laws of his country regarding the human person and especially the privilege that must be kept both verbally and in disseminating the documents.
-The lawful possessor of a document is solely responsible for the consequences to the analysis. The results must be sent exclusively to the applicant. The handwriting-
not include clients with their consent. He can not communicate or publish texts, or their analysis, with the consent of the person du du document or possesseur.
-Chaque association or Groupement ayant signé ce graphologues of code to read the déontologie s'engage respecter et faire appliquer par chacun de ses membres diplomas. Les infractions du Conseil de discipline relèvent of chacun des Associations des pays or co-Groupements signataires.


consider important to know the various codes of ethics of Graphology, so we can improve, where necessary, existing in Brazil.


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