Sunday, March 6, 2011

How To Get A Shiny Raykuaza


writing traits are a reflection of personality and mental processes. The interpretation of these graphology is a science based on experimental psychology and statistics, the study of human personality through the writing traits.
The foundation of this science holds that the brain is responsible for carrying out the act of writing and therefore reflects the personality, with its detail and individual traits and unconscious.
These traits are held constant, although in special situations, we could get to write with your foot or mouth, extending the logic deformation of writing, unconscious but basic features are maintained. This feature allows you to identify text, in cases where the author tries to disguise his authorship.
The reason for the permanence of writing is that there is a fixed part, which is linked to personality and a moving part, which is linked to factors such as mood, health, etc.
These elements allow psychological profile based on a letter or a few lines. It also simplifies the analysis of personality, because permits quickly, without having presented the subject. Today, graphology has application on psychology, psychiatry and medicine. In education, facilitates the work of teachers and psychologists to meet the child's personality and development. In historical research. In the judicial field. In the selection of staff. In the knowledge of the personality. Utility
graphology in psychology, psychiatry and medicine:
In the field of psychology, allows the realization of the psychological profile very quickly, without subjecting the patient to lengthy tests. This allows quickly obtain information about the patient, without adding the stress load that some patients experience with the tests.
For children who have not yet acquired the deed, graphics tests are used, asking children to draw certain elements that work later.
in psychiatry and medicine, the application of graphology is significant also because studying the reflection of the disease (physical or psychological) in writing. In this case, it is called Graphopathology. This science can be of invaluable help, as long as you can observe the indications and limitations.
Writing a person, we can show a tendency to have certain types of diseases, to which, you should see a specialist to confirm or rule out the existence of the disease. It also serves to track the evolution of a patient.
Another branch of graphology is graphotherapy, used in treating certain psychological problems such as re-education therapy. For example, in the case of very timid, they can teach writing with the traits of people safe and this leads them to take these traits over time and come to function as desired.


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