Thursday, March 3, 2011

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CARNIVAL - Trivia historical and current

Concept and origin.
The carnival is a collection of popular holidays that occur in many Catholic countries and regions in the days before the beginning of Lent, especially the Sunday of the Fifty-called Shrove Tuesday. Although centered in disguise, music, dance and gestures, the revelry has distinct characteristics in cities that became popular.

The word carnival is of uncertain origin, although it is already found in medieval Latin, as meat or levare carnelevarium, word of the eleventh and twelfth centuries, that meant the eve of Ash Wednesday, ie the time began to abstain from eating meat during the forty days in which, in the past, Catholics were forbidden by the church to eat meat.
The very origin of carnival is unclear. It is possible that their roots are in a primitive religious festival, a pagan, that honored the top New Year and the rebirth of nature, but some say that its earliest manifestations occurred in Rome of the Caesars, connected to the famous saturnalia, orgiastic character. However, King Momo is a form of Dionysus - the god Bacchus, the patron of wine and its culture, and this pushes back the origin of the carnival to archaic Greece, the celebrations that honored the harvest. Always a way to celebrate with joy and ease, the acts of eating and drinking, elements essential to life.
Carnival in Brazil.

Not one tenth of the people participate actively in the carnival today, unlike what occurred in its golden age, the end of nineteenth century until the 1950s. However, the Brazilian carnival is still considered one of the best in the world, either by foreign tourists as by most Brazilians, especially the young audience that has not attained the glory of truly popular carnival. As stated Luis da Camara Krab, ethnologist, folklorist and musicologist, "Carnival of today is a parade, carnival watched it pays to be seen. The carnival, say, 1922 was shared, danced, jumped, screamed, catucado. Now Not so, is to be seen. " Carnival. The carnival, imported from the Azores, was the forerunner of the Carnival celebrations, brought by Portuguese colonizers. Coarse, violent, foul, was the most widespread form of play in the colonial and monarchical, but also the most popular. Was to launch, on the other revelers, water buckets, nozzles and tubes-of-smell lemons (both made of wax), lime powder (a brutality that could blind people affected), vinegar, or wine and blackcurrant to other liquids that spoiled or soiled clothes and smelly became victims. This stupidity, however, was tolerated by Emperor Pedro II and was practiced with enthusiasm, the Quinta da Boa Vista and its gardens, the so-called nobility ... And it was free until the onset of ether spray, in the twentieth century, so as the confetti and serpentine, from Europe. Carnival in Brazil. Not one tenth of the people now actively participates in the carnival-unlike what happened in its golden age, the late nineteenth century until the 1950s. However, the Brazilian carnival is still considered one of the best in the world, either by foreign tourists as by most Brazilians, especially the young audience that has not attained the glory of truly popular carnival. As stated Luis da Camara Krab, ethnologist, folklorist and musicologist, "Carnival of today is a parade, carnival watched it pays to be seen. The carnival, say, 1922 was shared, danced, jumped, yelled, catucado. Now it is not so, is to be seen. "Carnival. The carnival, imported from the Azores, was the forerunner of the Carnival celebrations, brought by Portuguese colonizers. Coarse, violent, foul, was the most widespread form of play in the colonial period and monarchy, but also the most popular. was to fly, on the other revelers, water buckets, nozzles and tubes-of-smell lemons (both made of wax), lime powder (a brutality that could blind people hit), vinegar, wine and blackcurrant or even other liquids that spoiled or soiled clothes and smelly became the victims. This stupidity, however, was tolerated by Emperor Pedro II and was practiced with enthusiasm, the Quinta da Boa Vista and its gardens, the so-called nobility ... And it was free until the onset of ether spray, in the twentieth century, as the confetti and serpentine, from Europe.
Fantasies .
The use of costumes and masks had, in Brazil, more than seventy years of success - from 1870 until the beginning of the decade of 1950. Began to decline after 1930, when prices jump the materials for making the costumes - farms and ornaments - sneakers, boots, caps, berets, caps etc.. The clothes disguise, or the costumes that graced boys and girls, were gradually reduced to the most abstract possible in the name of freedom of movement and flight to the sunshine of the hottest period of the year.
Carnival Balls.
European Carnival began in the street, with parades of floats and costumes and, indoors, with dances, costumes and masks. The carnival in Rio, Brazil's certainly the first, appeared in 1641, promoted by Governor Salvador Correia de Sá e Benevides in honor of King John IV, restorative throne of Portugal. The party lasted a week, on Easter Sunday, with parade of street fighting, racing, dirty blocks and masked. Another important event was the carnival of 1786, which coincided with the festivities to celebrate the wedding of Don John and Princess Carlota Joaquina. But the first-ever masquerade ball held in January 22, 1840, hotel Italy, in Largo do Rossio, in the same place that would rise after the movie theater and then San Jose, Tiradentes Square in Rio It cost two escudos, with the right to supper. However, the vogue of the carnival in opera houses only became widespread in the 1870s. Joined the fashion theater Pedro II, the theater Santana, and then to the mass merchants entered the dance, Skating Rink, the Guanabara Club, the Club of Long River, the Societe Francaise de Gymnastique, in theaters that lined the side of public dances, but in the social area selected.
Carnival of Pernambuco and Bahia.

Pernambuco Carnival, especially in Olinda and Recife, is one of the busiest in the country, and this feature has grown in parallel with the extinction of the street carnival in most Brazilian cities, because of the parade samba schools. The main attractions Carnival in Pernambuco - whose dances are also the most animated - are in the street, Frevo, Maracatu, the associations of caboclinhos, the immense popular participation in the blocks (reminiscent of the old modernized "strings") and the clubs frevo. In Recife and Olinda revelers dance and sing, even without uniforms or costumes, the sound of orchestras and bands that make the party. The sets are the most animated frevo Brushes, bullfighters, lumberjacks and others. Remember, the cadence, the old ranches, are linked to the maracatus african-Brazilian traditions. Already caboclinhos are another type of college folk, whose parades are only seen and applauded. The other city in which popular participation is customary, and where they all sing, dance and play is the Savior.
An invention that emerged in the 1970s and that, unlike the Frevo, could spread to other states and cities, the trio was electric - a monumental truck in which install sound systems, equipped with powerful speakers that reproduce the compositions carnival continuously recorded. There is also, as in Recife and Olinda, who improvise many popular but simple costumes also adopt a playful attitude and wear the costumes of fifty or a hundred years ago. All this clearly expresses the spirit that drives the momesco irreverent crowd of total relaxation.


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