Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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RAS \u200b\u200b- introduced the GRAPHOLOGY SCIENCE IN SPAIN


Francisco Viñals
President of AGC España

We consider Matilde Ras la de la introductory scientific graphology en España, gracias a ello if produjo that directly pudo estudiar con los maestros de la main Graphology as Jules Crépieux-Jamin, foremost among them. When he came back to Spain to disseminate and implement what they have learned, it was not easy at first because it was the handwriting as one more Mancia, occultism, witchcraft and quackery, but bravely fought and won. And recovering the good image of graphology, which began centuries before the English physician and writer named John Huarte of San Juan, and also those basic graphology experts as Miracle and Carbonell, Val EARTH, and Batlle Rocamora, etc. and most importantly, Vels Augustus himself was interested in graphology through it. Then we present a "Portrait" of this Master of Graphology in Spain, written by Augustus himself Vels.

Augusto Vels
AGC of Spain Bull 3

Ras Matilda born in the beautiful city of Tarragona the first of September, 1881, in the midst of a family with great intellectual curiosity. The father is an architect and mother made the Magisterium in France and then Spain. Therefore, part of the intellectual circles of the time in the beautiful Mediterranean city. Matilde Ras is the oldest of two brothers, Aurelio, a year younger than her and then will be the father of another eminent graphologist: Silvia Ras. Matilda's father is a restless man with a vocation a bit nomadic. When Matilde has two years running with her and his wife to Cuba, leaving the young child, Aurelio, with love, in Alcaniz. Back in Spain, for Matilda's father died in Cuba, are installed in Tarragona, Barcelona soon and after a couple of years living in Soria, where the mother is married to an Engineer of Roads, Channels and Ports caring man, which Matilde and her brother kept good memories. After a short time, also killed his stepfather and returned to Barcelona after a few months in Zaragoza. Finally he settled in Madrid, where Matilde finished high school, not without accusing the small trauma of so much change of school, but his true masterpiece is his own mother, as we said, had the race of the Magisterium. From a very young woman, Matilde Ras shows a great willingness in the literature. Read a lot and writes short stories and cartoons, which later will become inspired and funny stories for kids that are very successful and are published by various magazines for children. Matilde also shown as a young woman, a great disposition and vocation for drawing, arriving at 18 years, intended to teach Drawing. Another of his "hobbies" is the translation of verses that performs brilliantly almost literally and without losing the rhyme or the flavor and authenticity of the authors (Verlaine, Baudelaire, Paul Valéry et al.) His brother Aurelio, a man of high culture influences her in-depth study of the age of Louis XIV, became a passionate reader of Voltaire, which will psychobiographers study based solely on their correspondence, since it could not have handwriting. This study psychobiographers, which she always spoke with great interest, as if it were his masterpiece, is still unpublished. His great love of literature makes you collect a lot of books and traveling regularly the bookstores. In one of these libraries, Aun siendo muy joven, y Descubre el libro de Juan purchase Hippolyte Michon titled "Practical Methods of Graphology." Naturally, en el libro is French, the language that dominates
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