Friday, December 12, 2008

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innovative ideas and aesthetically valid. Here's another blow to effect staged by Vincenzo De Luca in one of the historic squares of Salerno, Piazza Portanova.
A Christmas tree 18 meters high, beautifully stylized with a lightweight aluminum construction, and thousands light intermittently, all strictly energy-efficient.
were days that any family member or friend of mine contacted me about this wonderful tree that the administration wanted to give to Salernitana. So I wanted to see, not live, but making me send one of the many photos that run through mobile phones. No objection, the tree is really nice!
This is the strength of De Luca, even in a time of crisis like this one always manages to come up with something nice, relaxing in that fails to make inroads among the people.
Moreover, the credibility that can be transferred to the community is his best weapon, people will trust what he does and what it will do. I think the estimates that can collect the mayor of Salerno in Italy is the most unique. When it is the reasons of such a consensus will be as well (this is the third term with which De Luca is the mayor of Salerno) and the "facts", the ones that ultimately matter are the ones that make the difference. De Luca in this way has done so much to Salerno, you have to recognize.
course as will the first citizen to appease the exodus of young and less young people from one day to decide to migrate to the North in search of work, that I dare not imagine. It 's also true that these are issues that are not up to him to solve. A local authority should, however, trigger a series of political, economic and social in some way promote the armatures. I think tourism, perhaps one of the few weapons we have, considering the natural beauty that are a short walk from the city. Promote the city itself as the "city of the sea". But I'll stop here.
I also think that in this context, Lucas and company have moved little and badly. We say that so far the "stimulus" that had to start from the bottom up or maybe there was not worked. Who knows? On the other hand we can not always make positive criticism to this man.
For some 'time then one of its stated objectives is to tackle prostitution to illegal and walking, it seems that there is succeeding. To eradicate these phenomena, but also need men fit and able. A praise that goes around the body of the Municipal Police of Salerno, the flagship institution of our city. Without them the results would not be possible chasing De Luca. Bravi. On the planning of Salerno
say that? He is currently made up of many great works, expected to tell the truth for many years.
I think of Metro light, a gas connection and primary priority, where, however, follow each other too long delays and interruptions in the work is not always justifiable. I think the big square, larger than Piazza del Plebiscite was shouted years ago, which will be built behind the spiagietta of St. Lucia and will be developed for much of the sea. I am also thinking along the coast, the one of Via Salvatore Allende, although apparently with some sbaraccare, is still a punch in the eye for those who see it, and should be valued for its great potential. I think the new airport Pontecagnano (the cathedral in the desert?) Where it already long ago from the pages of this blog had invoked the "paw " De Luca to give a more comprehensive structure.
I think these few things, with the heart of Salerno and the eye of emigration. A wish
Salernitani heard all the earth.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

How To Hack Coins On Club Nintendo

TAV, decreased the distance .. but not for commuters

"It reduces the gap, grows our country," sums up the FS group, in his latest commercials, the production of super-fast trains to and beyond 300 km / h around the corner, scheduled for December 14 . A work of 52 billion euro.
was a bit of time to miss the appointment with the blog, not that there were no "incentives" to intervene and speak my mind. Let's say I have a general malaise in the search time in the lazy pastime. Opportunities there were, in general the reasons that push you have more often than bad news, even if one of my first post praised the State and the Region of Lombardy by a public utility as the railway link.
We are now at the gates of another great and important work, the brainchild of world's most advanced in the field of rail transport, all made in Italy, I want to emphasize by many leaders FS. And this can not but be proud, no doubt ..
but when I am not proud as we approach the fateful date on which the high-speed commuter inconvenience to the Milan-Piacenza-Bologna and Piacenza are repeated and often with a serious embarrassment. And this is not a coincidence dear Mauro Moretti (a number of railways, it is also seen in the photo, the presentation of "Frecciarossa).
In practice next to a dilapidated old line it was built, in part, a new train and new cars last generation. But even this line will have to interact and communicate with the old one and what will be the result? Meanwhile
excessive delays and cancellations in the month of November are on the agenda. Not to mention the state of travel, we are the third world. You know those photos that occasionally make the rounds of place where you see people (usually Asian) on those trucks loaded to capacity, tank-style livestock? Nothing could be more similar.
And the condition of locomotives and railcars to transport passengers? Dirty, dirty, and should be reclaimed mostly 40-50 years old.
All this innovation necessary for our country in the field of land transport - nobody denies that - should not and must not, as is happening, go over the heads of hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of users who regularly have to go in the morning in the capital Milanese to reach the workplace. Yet I still remember the words of Minister Lunardi fresh calling for calm commuters because the sacrifices of Lombardy for high-speed line and new, would lead undoubtedly "benefit" even on the local lines and according to him (but not only him) would remain in this more "sgombere.
But I've never believed these lies and I've always screamed to the various committees commuters and people I met at the station and unfortunately repeated the same things they read in newspapers. The situation could not change, until they were invested some pennies too old and above all on the line means dilapidated and obsolete. The test is now before the eyes of all.
Only now hear of high-speed everywhere, of course, but the inconvenience to commuters were there, and there will be increase.
Even through the same surface that will reach with two new lines Melegnano from Novara and Lodi, Saronno Varese or service that will provide that if the fleet is currently not in place already meets the requirements!?
And now, because the senior executives they thought that for a few years the pinch on your stomach if you have to give your commute, make sure those who bring money into the coffers of the company, with increases in the prices of tickets and subscriptions continue to be shamefully used and a service charge to third world countries in Africa or Asia. But this story is how much more will it last, it was not enough what we have endured all these years? Should we still expect positive results that will be of TAV to see some euro investment on low speed of the wagons? We tell Moretti and fast!
And as if not just continue the maneuvers designed to cash in, even the latest, sewage, such as: elimination of a number of races on winter times (we are on the comic!), cancellation of any form of bonus for monthly subscriptions, the ability to pass issued (eg . the week) that he could not longer even exchange or refund if unused, never stamped. Now, and this is not a mystery, the Lords of the railways if they invent anything not to lose any money and charge it all to end users.
But let's face it, the paradox of the Italian system is also reflected in high speed, where before a work of high genius, "indispensable" (as someone said) and a service that - hopefully - is equally efficient, we still find a system of local and regional rail network with its fleet is very dilapidated and whose service is often too embarrassing.
And the problem is not so much as a well-known financial newspaper I represented, that is, a service that of TAV for the wealthy. " Certainly it is not a service for poor people. But the problem which I think is overlooked is that among the commuters are there: rich, poor, middle class. The whole is dead because people know that FS can not ever repay the time it was stolen at work or at home with their loved ones / children. It is especially angry and wants Just saying. This split is going down because I just can not not stand.
The State Railways are well on our guard and return a bit of character and attitude on these lines of "everyday life" and hope, we do not travel more like animals. Why
for commuters - Dear Mr. Moretti - the distances are getting longer.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Stomach Growls While Pregnant

The special blessing of the Pope to Pinochet

In the bustle of emails that are exchanged daily electronic universe, one in particular sent to me by a friend could not go unnoticed. The news is not new but emerged plus - it seems - even a decade ago, also from the pages of a popular Italian weekly.
The object is a letter Pope John Paul II on 18 February 1993. "In general Augusto Pinochet Ugarte and his distinguished wife, Mrs. Hiriarde Lucia Pinochet, on the occasion of their golden wedding and marriage as a pledge of abundant graces, I give great pleasure, as well as their children and grandchildren, an apostolic blessing special. John Paul II. "Thus concluded his letter in English to the Supreme Pontiff on the day of the anniversary of the golden anniversary of the famous Chilean general.
Who was Pinochet? Concise and effective this biography that traces his military and political career. I would still be able to say that he was one of the most authoritarian and murderous dictators that our Recent history has ever known. His power came with a coup (in the days when I was a baby, 1973) that overthrew the de facto government of Socialist Salvador Allende. It is no secret to having it there imbarezzeremo history (contemporary) if we can say that that was funded by the CIA coup of then president Richard Nixon (the Watergate scandal and the first and only president to resign from the office of the White House ), arch-enemy of Allende, who did not intend to impose its policy to the interests of powerful American lobbies.
The tyranny of Pinochet and his dictatorship continued until 1988, when a referendum is reintroduced democracy. The data that emerge its persecutions are disturbing: the ratio Valech developed by Independent Inquiry Committee in 2006 provides the numbers that make one shiver, as the approximately 28,000 cases of torture or political detention. Gentlemen, this is history, no one will feel offended .. for the love of God (Francis docet!).
In such a framework is more embarrassing and disturbing fact that the first letter of Pope John Paul II and Cardinal Sodano then. These are the complete texts ( read here).
The letters appear to have been published in 1998 by the same Pinochet.
Yet, strangely, I do not remember any "echo chamber" formed before a news like that? Opinions? Maybe I have short memory and I was not particularly close at that time. Certainly the elements for the emergence of a debate or at least there had been any comparison.
what to say and what to think? Surprised is an understatement. As a Catholic I am deeply offended. You can not hide the fact that these writings with the Vatican and the Catholic Church are guilty of shameful. And that remains.
While wanting to delve into the reasons for a "strong diplomacy" which the temporal power of the Vatican State and the Church in general is due to always serve to weave the web of relationships must also against those people and those powerful so far his "belief", it is hard to understand the same attitude so shamelessly servile and subservient. One Response
the Church has yet to succeed, always, though.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Fun Centerpieces Graduation

healing the blind man of Bethsaida

"The Healing of a Blind Man"

In the Gospel of Mark, chapter 8, verse from 22 to 26, we find the story of
healing the blind man of Bethsaida. It not only talks about the joy of a man who recovers,
thanks to Jesus, the precious gift of sight, but is "signpost" that speaks to us of our spiritual
situation and how it might respond to the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
read the text. "Then came to Bethsaida, and they brought a blind man, begged him to touch.
then took him by the hand and led him outside the village and when he spat on
imposed upon the eyes and hands, and asked if he saw something. And he, raising his eyes
, said: "I see people walking and I look like trees." Then put the new
hands over his eyes and made him look up, and he recovered his sight and saw all clearly
. And Jesus sent him back to his house, saying, "Do not enter the village
and not tell anyone in the village" (Mark 8:22-26).

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Donde Conseguir Material Hussyfan

Pasolini and the courage of the truth I go to Massimo

"Death is not being able to communicate but can not be understood." On his untenability Pasolini saw afar. "Guest too summaries in the courtroom does not make it, thirty years after his death, justice of man," so I concluded some years ago wrote a post on the blog pages of 's "opinion maker" Vincent, recalling the Figure Pierpaolo Pasolini, with a portrait that tended to rediscover it more as a writer and thinker of our time. I limit myself therefore to describe a concise definition from the Wikipedia: "is internationally regarded as one of the greatest Italian artists and intellectuals of the twentieth century."
This time I focus on just death and the injustice that has lasted to this day on his crime and what may have been the real culprits. Today, 33 years after his death, nothing has changed. Indeed, for some years now, the confessions of John "Frog" - sole culprit for that ' horrible and heinous crime that has paid with jail for his crime alleged, if something is centered - are even more anger and confirm that more and more behind Pasolini you had done a conspiracy.
Pelosi's diary begins with these words: "I took all the responsibility not to involve my friends then. He was the lawyer who suggested that the defensive line. I thought that the minor would have got off lightly."
The "riccietto", similar to one of the characters tell their own by Pasolini in his novels and in his films, said the process of falsity and that's a fact: one of all to have been him just to kill poet, while the evidence and records confirm the opposite. The same Pelosi has admitted after more than thirty years: "There were three who had a Sicilian accent .. and if I said nothing is for afraid of retaliation. I served only to lure ".
The last half-truths about this man confirm the validity of assumptions that are enclosed in beautiful film by Marco Tullio Giordana," Pasolini, an Italian crime ".
What he wanted us to understand with Pelosi those words, to kill Pasolini there was the case for the mafia? c'entrino I wonder what the Sicilians, however, we are still confronted with a deviation of the truth.
Stop it once and for all to take us around and tell to the bottom of this unfortunate truth. There is more of a reason to think and believe that the enemies Pasolini had them in Rome, very close to those villages who attended and who told idealistically in his works. And that it was the work of the characters in the street of the neighborhood (as well as some have claimed) or nerds as "the frog". There is a hand thinking and Pelosi would stop once and for all to continue with these half-truths that allow meanwhile crazy for some dirty money. Pelosi knows the names of those who blackmailed his hand and not know who is behind these people, can not be otherwise. Pelosi Who were they? We say it once and for all and do not do it just for the sake of truth but Pierpaolo.
Pasolini was killed because it was not only an inconvenient critic, but he had the courage to name names and last names of the massacres of those years and those who had planned to organize the movement of fascist action against the community that takes the foot after '68.
script that he signed in November 1974 a famous editorial in Corriere della Sera, a year before they kill him, all his eloquence in showing what could be his enemies. There illustrate some steps to try (but I recommend you read it in full here ):
" .. I know the names of those responsible for what is called a" coup "(which is actually a series of coup "istituitasi a protection system of power). I know the names of those responsible for the massacre in Milan on December 12, 1969. I know the names those responsible for massacres of Brescia and Bologna in the first months of 1974. I know the names of the "summit" that has operated, therefore, designers of both the old fascist "coup", is the neo-fascist perpetrators of the first massacres, and finally, the "unknown" material authors of the recent massacres. I know the names that have managed the two different, indeed opposite phases of the tension: a first anti-phase (Milan 1969) and a second phase of the antifascist (Brescia and Bologna 1974). I know the names of those who, from a Mass and the other, have given the provisions and ensured the security policy in general older (to keep standing in reserve, the organization of a potential coup), a young neo-fascists, even neo-Nazis (To create tension in the concrete anti), and common criminals, until now, and perhaps forever, without a name (to create the next power-fascist) ...
I know. But I have no evidence. Indizi.Io I did not even know why I'm an intellectual, a writer who tries to follow everything that happens to know everything that he writes, to imagine all that you do not know or is silent; coordinating events also far, which puts together the pieces of a fragmented and disorganized whole coherent policy framework that restores the logic where there seems to be arbitrariness, madness and mistero.Tutto this is part of my job and the instinct my job ".. of course, intellectual. not just anybody but a profound, sensitive and so brave.
Its terrible and horrible death is screaming revenge again, because now the truth has not yet emerged. That truth Pasolini has always looked up to the death and that, unfortunately, the Italian justice has not returned, as in any process worthy of the name.
Moreover, not surprisingly, the courage of truth in this world is just stuff and I think Pasolini is one of them.

Friday, October 24, 2008

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The hope of the center-left Democratic starts tomorrow, October 25 from the Circus Maximus, known to the relevant scenario at folk festivals and group meetings memorable.
After the election defeat a year ago, Veltroni's Democratic Party seeks to unite the people of the left and redesigning the unity of purpose that had been lacking so far.

Too hot perhaps the current issues on which the Berlusconi government proves to falter and that the grievances of the opposition appear to be objectively justified. Two of the all School el ' environment, themes dear to me on which I had already made my comments from the pages of this blog. I only stop to these current issues and no return on the promises made during the election campaign and reiterated by the Prime Minister on which it seems to me goes without saying.

We should add that the economic situation is particularly unfavorable to the Berlusconi government is doing the rest. Besides the "recovery" as called for in recent years, always in vain, inevitably made me think - useless nacondersi behind a finger - they lead to a recession, a collapse and a crisis so serious that Italy, as well like other European governments, has not shown particularly careful and prudent, contrary to the current rulers. It reminds me a little input of the euro in January 2002, where speculation on raising prices is not likely easy to put up was hampered by appropriate control measures, adding that in those days were made slightly better now, which is saying something!

Now Veltroni company and seek unity in the name of reform, resent terms like moderate, progressive, reappear by magic the olive trees, is still trying to land a blow in effect for the undecided. It is part of the political game? I do not know, in these cases, the rhetoric plays a role, even if we are ridiculous but the game's consent. Of course, the dish was put on the table with Berlusconi Gelmini, Prestigiacomo and the other is greedy and the manifestation of tomorrow seems to happen to the bean. It is also well realized the fox D'Alema said that as the disproportionate reaction of the Prime Minister had "created a climate in which convinced even the undecided" to take to the square .

So we return to square, from that place of gathering and sharing, the oldest site for participation and debate. The number of people flocking to the Circus Maximus I think tomorrow will be the extent of the progress of the opposition and a real reminder of the political orientation. Tomorrow will be the time of the opposition.

Garnier Hair Color Blog

for you and not later

Is it too late?

If I knew that these are the last minutes when I see you, I'd say "I love you, without thinking, foolishly già.Il know that tomorrow is not guaranteed to anyone, young or old. Today may be the last day you see those you love so do not wait any longer, do it now because if tomorrow will never arrive, surely complain about the day that you have not got time for a smile, a hug, a kiss, and that you will was too busy to give you a ultimodesiderio.Mantieni those you love near you, tell them your ear as you need them, love them and treat them bene.Prenditi time to say 'sorry', 'forgive me', 'leisure' "thank you" and all the loving words conosci.Nessuno will remind you for your thoughts segreti.Chiedi the Lord for the strength and wisdom to know how to express.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Cottage Cheese Yogurt Mucous

Tour 2009, in memory of the centennial?

The news was in the air, today made official: Lance Armstrong returns to race and his first sporting event of 2009 will be the Tour of Italy.
the centenary of the Tour organizers could not put in the barrel shot better in terms of media coverage. Certainly the news of what is undoubtedly a sensation as the Texan rider is 37 and missed the race by 3. Captivating
his words after the announcement of the investment, "not to have ever raced the Tour is a big disappointment for me, I'd love to do." An embarrassing 7-8 years long and more, rather than concentrate on reserve forces and thoughts to the only stage race of his life, the Tour de France.
Now Mr. Lance wants to impress us with his new adventure in Italy, the challenge of the centennial?
For me it's a shame to compare a chemical sample, "as Armstrong the pioneers of the first major stage race in history, the proponents of metaphor and parable of the "ride" to the heroes of dusty streets and mud.
100 years have passed by those big companies, those with a capital G as Ganna, Galetti, Gerbi. And if times have changed, I do not think so honorable host a runner of great victories, but so shamelessly shielded controls of any kind.
Someone who says "I want to win the tour and beat cancer" is not in my opinion worthy of participating in a race that should evoke memories and illustrative examples. One who wins seven consecutive Tour wants to tell has eradicated a disease like cancer in the pedal stroke? We will then call the almighty or extraterrestrial?
Sport defeating the disease is a fairy tale that we must leave behind and that is not ours. The ride down from year to year rose progressively tone, stamina, popularity and this inevitably has to do with the that the doping does not alter the wake. But obviously there is the will to eradicate the system cycling itself.
will be paradoxical, but the sight of the story dell'Armstrong sick and "evergreen" and I prefer mine a thousand times more than the story of a man left to die alone like an abandoned dog, Marco Pantani.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Japanese Train Groping Vedios

At Piacenza Garilli of stairs to enjoy yet how can be nice to live a football match live. And not just because our favorite team won, but mainly because the stadium can still be the place to meet, to share that as few are able to attract the attention of old and new friends.

Miracles of a football game?

The concept is well described by his adventures here (shell) Vincent, the opinion makers, who also published a nice photo.

Friday, October 3, 2008

How Soon Can You Take Your Puppy To The Beach

Stadium Moments from The tale of the time was right for the economy

Today I did a reflection on the very critical moment facing the world of finance, banking and economy in general. To tell the truth, the negative moment has dragged on for several years, with ups and downs so much hoped for recovery does not appear to have ever raced.
Even the world of work is heavily influenced by the negative effect of the economy and the situation tends to improve, indeed seems to get progressively worse.
no use pretending that there was yet another jolt with the failure of Lehman Brothers , not only because the largest of the bancherotte world, but because as an institution unexpected surprise to more informed, can be collapsed so suddenly irreversible.
The problem that puts chills on me at all is that if it hit a giant like Lehman then it can happen the same way to one of our reality bank at any moment. That danger is global. In Italy some
the subprime mortgage crisis is not at the levels of the American one. I have no doubt. Here we all agree on the advantage of having a bank still deeply rooted to tradition.
And if in Italy the problem is not mortgages or the derivatives thereof, but rather on profits and on a consideration that is more than just a feeling, namely that the crisis here is not investing in the consumer?
In recent days we have seen across the state television at a very reassuring information for TG, with speeches by prominent guests from business, aimed in some way to resize the American crisis and to calm savers.
I start by saying that when people like perfume or Colannino so bursting out through the medium of television there is little to worry. Question: How many times have you seen their faces on TV? I personally never. As it happens at such a strongly negative for the economy. The
Colannino is telling us that Cai is a serious climber and reassures us on the financial soundness; also tells us that to reach a restructuring of Alitalia have to wait for the medium to long term. That news gave, if not a cliche? Perfume
however, a number of Unicredit, following a couple of sessions heavily negative of the share, the debut saying "depositors have nothing to fear," lucky that day the title ended with a breath of fresh air. Also advised to "invest based on your needs .. without incurring excessive risk," adding a word as old as speculative at best, "diversifying". What kind of information
is giving us a good perfume?
We are not telling you about being cautious and waiting, but this was surely not what you had expected, of course. There is, however, to say the most common cliché of the economy invested but diversifying to reduce risk. But this has always been a cornerstone valid even in the heyday of finance. Said at this time worth? Soap bubbles.
In such a framework are then echoed the words of our minister Tremonti: "The risks remain contained for Italy."
The question that I remember: it's just reassuring at a time when so little reassurance?
Colannino's words, Nose and Tremonti answer anyway with Amen and so be it.
I think the time is really hard and I do not know if using or inventing "other times (as I vaguely remember a quote from a Stefano Benni imaginative but not too much) we will be able to reverse the terms.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Gir From Invader Zim Costume

The whistle of the referee?

The spending cuts which will also cover the public school are discussed. The opposition and trade unions all have moved against the reform plan advanced by the Berlusconi government.
Minister Gelmini today, like what he had said the head of state, called a "grand alliance ", which is essential to give birth to a "new school, of excellence, a quality school for all" . In the Holy Alliance Gelmini include all stakeholders: students, teachers, parents, institutions and the school itself as an "instrument of redemption for all the boys" and as an educational institution.
The Minister also said that the opposition sees the school as "the battleground to Government ".
The critical points raised by the left are the" single master ", if we want a return to origins, as well as the cuts that affect the full-time and English. In that regard was very clear the position of the PD the mouth of Veltroni, who spoke of an idea of \u200b\u200bthe school by the government "not inclusive" that does nothing but exacerbate "social inequalities. The reduction of full-time is another blow to the poorest families. "
In this debate we are very much alive - still today - the words of Giorgio Napolitano added that I would have been quite surprising. The Head of State has in fact diluted the criticisms of the reform of the government by of Trade Unions and the Left. He spoke of an "imperative" inalienable part of Italy that in "its own vital interest," he pledged to reduce the deficit to zero over the next few years. "This means, no denying, restraint in spending for the school." Of course Napolitano then immediately added, to counterbalance the objective of reducing these costs should be made "in a climate of dialogue" and must not take precedence over all others. Efficiency and quality in School, this essentially the message of the Head of State!?
course dear President, we all know that in public schools, like other sectors of society and its institutions, to combat waste has become the dominant imperative. The irrationality must be confronted, contained, and if possible cut short.
Apart from the fact that I expected such a speech by a Minister or a Minister of the Economy education or if we want a President of the Council voted to freedom and liberalism and a supporter of his Government. Certainly not by a head of state.
Sure, the sign of the unity we want dialogue, we want the alliance to pursue common objectives. But for this it is necessary, as in any democracy worthy of the name, which the unions do their part and the opposition plays the role of their potential, and that the President continues to be the referee of a game and does not impede the debate and take positions as in this case (if not obvious policy).
I am not able to know if the cuts are objectively inevitable as the school commemorates Napolitano. But I know that there is never a time investment, which are also the basis for a real change and improvement of the school. But that's okay, is not the time of investment and that's fine. But not always riempiamoci mouth on 'excellence' (assuming that the speaker will know the meaning of teaching materials) or the usual "quality", also on the School is now out of fashion. Dear President
why do not you say a bit on the Alitalia affair, this sideshow that was created and designed to "save" a company in severe loss that supports the "public money"? And why
about "government waste" does not enlighten us on the costs of politics, from the hundreds of thousands of parliamentarians and senators of each species that first field with salaries and pensions and dizzy?
Dear President is not ready with his whistle to warn the referee football on a democratic debate, such as the Public School today. Life in its essence. Thanks.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Is It Ok To Wash Bath Rugs In An He Washer

Bees inspiring Safety

Yesterday I was surprised by the idea had to be Nissan's innovative technology and in particular in robotics .

The prestigious automotive Nipponica presented at Ceatec - fair-edge IT and electronics - a project that is intended to draw a very important trend towards road safety, with the creation of a robot car "biomimetrico" baptized BR23C .

The original idea was inspired by both the biology of bees and their flight. In fact, taking cue organ of visual perception of this insect, capable of a higher viewing angle of 300 ° omnidirectional, engineers have developed a laser camera able to change the direction of a vehicle to avoid the impact. To better understand the concept that you can see this ingenuity has led blog.

A brilliant idea which I believe will mark a groove in the anti-collision technology related to road safety. Certainly thinking of a car that can suddenly change direction due to an external stimulus is a little "species" because even then you should understand how such a technology is able to integrate in a non-automatic piloting system of common vehicles such as the present. If it is intended.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Can U Get Guns On Poptropica

Brothers of the "Church of Vicenza in the Veneto

Ravedetevi and believe all'Vangelo of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What To Put In My Sister Wedding Card

Pastors Sinti

Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature. transceivers who believed and is baptized shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall be condemned? please believe the message by the 'Gospel of Mark 16:15 , abiamo us pastors received the mandate of Jesus the Son of God, and we believe his word. And God has called us to do a task! save the souls of many pastors we are showing only one way, Jesus is the way the truth and the life and nesunno can go aa permezzo no god but him? V. of John 14:6. one is the true way that leads into the sky.
And the Lord Jesus who said and I will come back ame spelled fishermen anime
Pastors and church leaders who are in the "Triveneto" and (Tomas, Franco, SNEC, Denus, Hello, and Francis . And of the candidates for the ministry. kimili, Rails, Cen. Pascqulino and Deacons, Maik, Claudius. "God bless you" to serve the Lord.

Country Paint Colors For A Bathroom

Frat. Loris Sing to the Lord Jesus to

sing a hymn to the Lord and as God blesses the brothers listen to the "Church"

Friday, August 8, 2008

Horizon-centurion Dental Insurance

costabizzara vangelizazione to a Sinti

In the Gospel of Mark 16:15 and the Lord Jesus said go and preach the Gospel

a moment while we hear the word of God preached by Pastor David Casadio.

In recent years, or a great joy to bring the word of God to a Sinti people in need of his word and not just the (syntax) but everyone who has had a particular need Jesus and ready to solve them and not addirutura alone and to give eternal life to those who want to receive. peace and that "God bless you"

Why Take Avodart At Bedtime

simpolo the dove of the Holy Spirit

symbol docility and purity riguardiamoci if purity in us?

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Reinforced Earth Design

Reconciliation after breaking

after breaking

(2 Corinthians 5:10-21)

reading these lines stands the first evidence that There was a communion of God with His creation.
The first break began in the garden with Adam and Eve, so that the Lord had to provide to safeguard the Eden.
Sin entered the world, has led to the occurrence of breaks in each field.
· Among married couples in the know have sworn fidelity and love, accepting the duties of marriage, then comes something bad in them and generates a break with the result of separation, divorce.
· Among families, sometimes problems arise for some legacy, or border issues; for 20 to 30 cm leads to even go to court against their relatives.
· Among nations, more often than just the whim of a dictator, the desire for domination or profit and here occurs the break diplomatic, or worse yet, the tragic consequences of war. Some Ambassador, some organization
come forward to seek a reconciliation ... Jesus in Matthew 5:25
says, "You early amicable agreement with your opponent while you are away with him ...».
Jesus was the judge mediator for humanity and peace, before appearing before the Chief Justice have the opportunity to make peace with God: "Be reconciled to God." We can express
saved like Paul: "For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son, much more, that we are reconciled, we shall be saved by His life" (Romans 5:10); fact while we were enemies we have achieved reconciliation with God by the death of His Son.
the time when Jesus was on earth there was discord between Jews and Samaritans to religious issues since the time of Zerubbabel, because the Jews rejected the help of the Samaritans to restore Jerusalem and the temple.
He had reached the point where, to offend a person, apostrophized calling it Samaria, and they did with Jesus, "Do not say you're a good Samaritan and that you are the devil?" (John 8:48).
The Samaria was a hilly area between Galilee and Judea, the Jews preferred to extend the road so as not to go to those places, that's why the woman at the well was astonished that a Jew asked a bit 'of water.
Jesus had come to here to open the way for reconciliation with God: this particular meeting and dialogue with the Samaritan woman were crucial to evangelize the city.
It's amazing how people believed in Jesus because of His words (John 4:42), Jews demand signs and miracles to believe "If you see signs and miracles do not believe" (John 4:48).
Jesus gave the apostles the joy of harvest the fruit with the final descent of the Holy Spirit, a unique fraternity in those same faith that one day they wanted to destroy, "Sir, do you want us to call fire down from heaven and consume them ? (Luke 9:54).
No power or human organization can ensure the peace, but only the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ.
for forgiveness and friendship of God, we must recognize our sins.
sin alienates man from God, but God, the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, he can dismiss the man.
Some organizations have committed to unite people:
· in 1869 opened the Suez Canal to join the Red Sea with the Mediterranean,
· in 1914 the Panama Canal to join the Pacific Ocean with the Atlantic Ocean, while in Europe the First World War broke out. The man groped
can combine the oceans, can perhaps join each other seas, it can also connect nations with large galleries and tunnels through the mountains, but only the Holy Spirit can unite man to God
First, God has moved, doing his part to establish a meeting point between him and the man: "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son ... " (Giovanni3: 16 ) now he expects man to do his part to reconcile
with him, accepting that precious sacrifice.
"Be reconciled to God."

the Lord bless us. Antonio Basile

Adapted from "Pentecostal revival" in April 2004

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Blessed are they that mourn

The console those who mourn

"Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted" (Matthew 5:4)

We arrive in Zion passing through the "valley of crying. "
You might think that sorrow and be blessed to do two things are opposed to each other, but the infinitely wise our Savior Jesus Christ has put them both in this bliss.
What God has joined together let no man put asunder. Click
sorrow for sin (our own sins and also elsewhere) is the seal of God placed on His faithful.
When the Spirit of grace is poured over the house of David, or any other house, then I will mourn. By means of a saint
condolences receive the best of blessings, just as the rarest convenience we are assigned by the water.
not only those who mourn are blessed in the future, but Jesus Christ declares that they are blessed already. The Holy Spirit will comfort
certainly those hearts that mourn for sin.
be comforted by the application of the virtue of the Precious Blood of Jesus and through the purifying work of the Holy Spirit.
In the same way that sin abounds in their city and their age will be comforted by the certainty that God will glorify Himself, whilst there are also many men who rebel against His authority.
be comforted by the expectation of when they become fully liberated from the shadow of sin and are threatening to dwell eternally caught up in the glorious presence of their Lord,

CH Spurgeon
Adapted from "Christianity Today" 1993

Saturday, May 24, 2008

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Sinti at Vicenza Conference in Prato in Tuscany Prato in Tuscany

We've been Prato a conference of Sinti and was very nice and we received the blessing of the Lord, so many gathered some Sinti and Roma and God saved, healed, set free, and filled in this conference and participated in many years that were not converted but through the meetings departed from that place all converted with Lord Jesus Christ .

Greetings God loves you!

Pastor David Casadio.

Monday, April 28, 2008

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Call for Shepherd Denus

Davide Casadio, and a cousin always, Casadio
Meeting with other symptoms after a few years
lawn. God has blessed us greatly and in this conference there were baptisms of new conversions and young people are given up to Sir thank God Amen

Monday, April 14, 2008

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will not leave you nor forsake you and Claudio

I will not let

God said to Joshua
"As I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not leave you nor forsake you" (Joshua 1:5).

front of us opens a new year. No one knows what will take us. The details of the journey of our life are still obscure. Maybe we started this year with great anticipation. Perhaps we are also looking to the future with concern. Anything can happen, we know this: our God knows our way and will be with us. So we must trust in Him

The Lord wants us to have fears and concerns. Want to encourage us and he does through his Word. The promises made to Joshua, also apply to us.

"As I was with Moses, so I will be with you." In the life of Moses there were many situations in which difficulties and problems s'elevavano like mountains. But God had always made a way out for him and for the people. What about us? We have not experienced the Lord's help in critical situations? He never leaves us alone. As in the past has helped us in one way or another, it will do in the new year.

We are not alone, even when we feel alone. Some ways in which we may seem difficult to walk. But we must remember that the Lord is with us. He will not leave us and do not abandon us. We should ever keep this promise.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Famous Women Quotes By (hispanic) Women


In Church while singing for the lord, with such joy and praise to the Lord Jesus Christ.

know the truth and the truth shall make you free. ?
Gospel of John (8:32)

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church vicenza

Um moment of praise in the Church with songs of praise to God

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

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9 - Baptisms in a large pool

9, young in preparation for adult baptism by immersion a great joy for these young people who have converted to the Lord Jesus Christ.
peace. "God bless you"

Monday, March 31, 2008

Mount And Blade Dual Core Support

The baptisms of two young men. 30 \\ 03 \\ 2008, alleluia

Baptism according to the Gospel of Mark 16:15, of Claudio and Emy .