Monday, November 17, 2008

Stomach Growls While Pregnant

The special blessing of the Pope to Pinochet

In the bustle of emails that are exchanged daily electronic universe, one in particular sent to me by a friend could not go unnoticed. The news is not new but emerged plus - it seems - even a decade ago, also from the pages of a popular Italian weekly.
The object is a letter Pope John Paul II on 18 February 1993. "In general Augusto Pinochet Ugarte and his distinguished wife, Mrs. Hiriarde Lucia Pinochet, on the occasion of their golden wedding and marriage as a pledge of abundant graces, I give great pleasure, as well as their children and grandchildren, an apostolic blessing special. John Paul II. "Thus concluded his letter in English to the Supreme Pontiff on the day of the anniversary of the golden anniversary of the famous Chilean general.
Who was Pinochet? Concise and effective this biography that traces his military and political career. I would still be able to say that he was one of the most authoritarian and murderous dictators that our Recent history has ever known. His power came with a coup (in the days when I was a baby, 1973) that overthrew the de facto government of Socialist Salvador Allende. It is no secret to having it there imbarezzeremo history (contemporary) if we can say that that was funded by the CIA coup of then president Richard Nixon (the Watergate scandal and the first and only president to resign from the office of the White House ), arch-enemy of Allende, who did not intend to impose its policy to the interests of powerful American lobbies.
The tyranny of Pinochet and his dictatorship continued until 1988, when a referendum is reintroduced democracy. The data that emerge its persecutions are disturbing: the ratio Valech developed by Independent Inquiry Committee in 2006 provides the numbers that make one shiver, as the approximately 28,000 cases of torture or political detention. Gentlemen, this is history, no one will feel offended .. for the love of God (Francis docet!).
In such a framework is more embarrassing and disturbing fact that the first letter of Pope John Paul II and Cardinal Sodano then. These are the complete texts ( read here).
The letters appear to have been published in 1998 by the same Pinochet.
Yet, strangely, I do not remember any "echo chamber" formed before a news like that? Opinions? Maybe I have short memory and I was not particularly close at that time. Certainly the elements for the emergence of a debate or at least there had been any comparison.
what to say and what to think? Surprised is an understatement. As a Catholic I am deeply offended. You can not hide the fact that these writings with the Vatican and the Catholic Church are guilty of shameful. And that remains.
While wanting to delve into the reasons for a "strong diplomacy" which the temporal power of the Vatican State and the Church in general is due to always serve to weave the web of relationships must also against those people and those powerful so far his "belief", it is hard to understand the same attitude so shamelessly servile and subservient. One Response
the Church has yet to succeed, always, though.


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