Wednesday, December 10, 2008

How To Hack Coins On Club Nintendo

TAV, decreased the distance .. but not for commuters

"It reduces the gap, grows our country," sums up the FS group, in his latest commercials, the production of super-fast trains to and beyond 300 km / h around the corner, scheduled for December 14 . A work of 52 billion euro.
was a bit of time to miss the appointment with the blog, not that there were no "incentives" to intervene and speak my mind. Let's say I have a general malaise in the search time in the lazy pastime. Opportunities there were, in general the reasons that push you have more often than bad news, even if one of my first post praised the State and the Region of Lombardy by a public utility as the railway link.
We are now at the gates of another great and important work, the brainchild of world's most advanced in the field of rail transport, all made in Italy, I want to emphasize by many leaders FS. And this can not but be proud, no doubt ..
but when I am not proud as we approach the fateful date on which the high-speed commuter inconvenience to the Milan-Piacenza-Bologna and Piacenza are repeated and often with a serious embarrassment. And this is not a coincidence dear Mauro Moretti (a number of railways, it is also seen in the photo, the presentation of "Frecciarossa).
In practice next to a dilapidated old line it was built, in part, a new train and new cars last generation. But even this line will have to interact and communicate with the old one and what will be the result? Meanwhile
excessive delays and cancellations in the month of November are on the agenda. Not to mention the state of travel, we are the third world. You know those photos that occasionally make the rounds of place where you see people (usually Asian) on those trucks loaded to capacity, tank-style livestock? Nothing could be more similar.
And the condition of locomotives and railcars to transport passengers? Dirty, dirty, and should be reclaimed mostly 40-50 years old.
All this innovation necessary for our country in the field of land transport - nobody denies that - should not and must not, as is happening, go over the heads of hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of users who regularly have to go in the morning in the capital Milanese to reach the workplace. Yet I still remember the words of Minister Lunardi fresh calling for calm commuters because the sacrifices of Lombardy for high-speed line and new, would lead undoubtedly "benefit" even on the local lines and according to him (but not only him) would remain in this more "sgombere.
But I've never believed these lies and I've always screamed to the various committees commuters and people I met at the station and unfortunately repeated the same things they read in newspapers. The situation could not change, until they were invested some pennies too old and above all on the line means dilapidated and obsolete. The test is now before the eyes of all.
Only now hear of high-speed everywhere, of course, but the inconvenience to commuters were there, and there will be increase.
Even through the same surface that will reach with two new lines Melegnano from Novara and Lodi, Saronno Varese or service that will provide that if the fleet is currently not in place already meets the requirements!?
And now, because the senior executives they thought that for a few years the pinch on your stomach if you have to give your commute, make sure those who bring money into the coffers of the company, with increases in the prices of tickets and subscriptions continue to be shamefully used and a service charge to third world countries in Africa or Asia. But this story is how much more will it last, it was not enough what we have endured all these years? Should we still expect positive results that will be of TAV to see some euro investment on low speed of the wagons? We tell Moretti and fast!
And as if not just continue the maneuvers designed to cash in, even the latest, sewage, such as: elimination of a number of races on winter times (we are on the comic!), cancellation of any form of bonus for monthly subscriptions, the ability to pass issued (eg . the week) that he could not longer even exchange or refund if unused, never stamped. Now, and this is not a mystery, the Lords of the railways if they invent anything not to lose any money and charge it all to end users.
But let's face it, the paradox of the Italian system is also reflected in high speed, where before a work of high genius, "indispensable" (as someone said) and a service that - hopefully - is equally efficient, we still find a system of local and regional rail network with its fleet is very dilapidated and whose service is often too embarrassing.
And the problem is not so much as a well-known financial newspaper I represented, that is, a service that of TAV for the wealthy. " Certainly it is not a service for poor people. But the problem which I think is overlooked is that among the commuters are there: rich, poor, middle class. The whole is dead because people know that FS can not ever repay the time it was stolen at work or at home with their loved ones / children. It is especially angry and wants Just saying. This split is going down because I just can not not stand.
The State Railways are well on our guard and return a bit of character and attitude on these lines of "everyday life" and hope, we do not travel more like animals. Why
for commuters - Dear Mr. Moretti - the distances are getting longer.


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