Thursday, June 5, 2008

Reinforced Earth Design

Reconciliation after breaking

after breaking

(2 Corinthians 5:10-21)

reading these lines stands the first evidence that There was a communion of God with His creation.
The first break began in the garden with Adam and Eve, so that the Lord had to provide to safeguard the Eden.
Sin entered the world, has led to the occurrence of breaks in each field.
· Among married couples in the know have sworn fidelity and love, accepting the duties of marriage, then comes something bad in them and generates a break with the result of separation, divorce.
· Among families, sometimes problems arise for some legacy, or border issues; for 20 to 30 cm leads to even go to court against their relatives.
· Among nations, more often than just the whim of a dictator, the desire for domination or profit and here occurs the break diplomatic, or worse yet, the tragic consequences of war. Some Ambassador, some organization
come forward to seek a reconciliation ... Jesus in Matthew 5:25
says, "You early amicable agreement with your opponent while you are away with him ...».
Jesus was the judge mediator for humanity and peace, before appearing before the Chief Justice have the opportunity to make peace with God: "Be reconciled to God." We can express
saved like Paul: "For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son, much more, that we are reconciled, we shall be saved by His life" (Romans 5:10); fact while we were enemies we have achieved reconciliation with God by the death of His Son.
the time when Jesus was on earth there was discord between Jews and Samaritans to religious issues since the time of Zerubbabel, because the Jews rejected the help of the Samaritans to restore Jerusalem and the temple.
He had reached the point where, to offend a person, apostrophized calling it Samaria, and they did with Jesus, "Do not say you're a good Samaritan and that you are the devil?" (John 8:48).
The Samaria was a hilly area between Galilee and Judea, the Jews preferred to extend the road so as not to go to those places, that's why the woman at the well was astonished that a Jew asked a bit 'of water.
Jesus had come to here to open the way for reconciliation with God: this particular meeting and dialogue with the Samaritan woman were crucial to evangelize the city.
It's amazing how people believed in Jesus because of His words (John 4:42), Jews demand signs and miracles to believe "If you see signs and miracles do not believe" (John 4:48).
Jesus gave the apostles the joy of harvest the fruit with the final descent of the Holy Spirit, a unique fraternity in those same faith that one day they wanted to destroy, "Sir, do you want us to call fire down from heaven and consume them ? (Luke 9:54).
No power or human organization can ensure the peace, but only the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ.
for forgiveness and friendship of God, we must recognize our sins.
sin alienates man from God, but God, the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, he can dismiss the man.
Some organizations have committed to unite people:
· in 1869 opened the Suez Canal to join the Red Sea with the Mediterranean,
· in 1914 the Panama Canal to join the Pacific Ocean with the Atlantic Ocean, while in Europe the First World War broke out. The man groped
can combine the oceans, can perhaps join each other seas, it can also connect nations with large galleries and tunnels through the mountains, but only the Holy Spirit can unite man to God
First, God has moved, doing his part to establish a meeting point between him and the man: "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son ... " (Giovanni3: 16 ) now he expects man to do his part to reconcile
with him, accepting that precious sacrifice.
"Be reconciled to God."

the Lord bless us. Antonio Basile

Adapted from "Pentecostal revival" in April 2004


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