Monday, October 13, 2008

Cottage Cheese Yogurt Mucous

Tour 2009, in memory of the centennial?

The news was in the air, today made official: Lance Armstrong returns to race and his first sporting event of 2009 will be the Tour of Italy.
the centenary of the Tour organizers could not put in the barrel shot better in terms of media coverage. Certainly the news of what is undoubtedly a sensation as the Texan rider is 37 and missed the race by 3. Captivating
his words after the announcement of the investment, "not to have ever raced the Tour is a big disappointment for me, I'd love to do." An embarrassing 7-8 years long and more, rather than concentrate on reserve forces and thoughts to the only stage race of his life, the Tour de France.
Now Mr. Lance wants to impress us with his new adventure in Italy, the challenge of the centennial?
For me it's a shame to compare a chemical sample, "as Armstrong the pioneers of the first major stage race in history, the proponents of metaphor and parable of the "ride" to the heroes of dusty streets and mud.
100 years have passed by those big companies, those with a capital G as Ganna, Galetti, Gerbi. And if times have changed, I do not think so honorable host a runner of great victories, but so shamelessly shielded controls of any kind.
Someone who says "I want to win the tour and beat cancer" is not in my opinion worthy of participating in a race that should evoke memories and illustrative examples. One who wins seven consecutive Tour wants to tell has eradicated a disease like cancer in the pedal stroke? We will then call the almighty or extraterrestrial?
Sport defeating the disease is a fairy tale that we must leave behind and that is not ours. The ride down from year to year rose progressively tone, stamina, popularity and this inevitably has to do with the that the doping does not alter the wake. But obviously there is the will to eradicate the system cycling itself.
will be paradoxical, but the sight of the story dell'Armstrong sick and "evergreen" and I prefer mine a thousand times more than the story of a man left to die alone like an abandoned dog, Marco Pantani.


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