Sunday, February 27, 2011

Costco Food Stamps 2010

Universidad Alcalá de Henares - Madrid

Patrimonio de la Humanidad

Aunque ya since 1293, accounting Alcalá con un Estudio General aprobado por el Rey Sancho IV, la Universidad de Alcalá founded by fue el Regente de España, el Cardenal Cisneros, in 1499 as an educational project completely new. It reconciled the best models in the tradition of so-Salamanca_ Paris and those other more innovative as Bologna and Louvain. Cardinal Cisneros wanted this University, who was born with the Modern Age in Spain and advanced currents of European Renaissance and humanist, was the crucible in which to educate not only the regular and secular clergy ready to face ecclesiastical reform but also competent new staff needed by the kingdoms of Spain. The success of that company made that Alcala became the seat of a university aristocracy made possible the Renaissance and the centuries Oro.Durante XVI and XVII, the University of Alcalá became the major center of academic excellence in the classroom taught and studied great masters such as Nebrija, Tomás de Villanueva, Gines de Sepulveda, Ignacio de Loyola, Domingo de Soto, Ambrosio de Morales, Arias Montano, Juan de Mariana, Francisco Valles de Covarrubias, Juan de la Cruz, Lope de Vega, Quevedo, etc. The prestige of study as well as her teachers soon became the model on which the new universities were established in América.El eighteenth century, especially in the last third, was especially critical for university studies in Spain, that were subjected to far-reaching reforms in their teaching methods. However, during this period when Melchor de Jovellanos comes to our university and confer the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, the first woman to receive it in Spain, Maria Isidro de Guzman and Cerda.Trasladada to Madrid in mid- nineteenth century as a result of the confiscation process, the expectation of recovery of the University of Alcalá was kept alive since then thanks to Condueños Society. The breath of Alcala, the prestige of its past, the recovery of historical memory and the new impetus given to education in Spain's transition to democracy in 1977 made it possible to reopen its classrooms University of Alcalá. From then until now, the collective effort and tenacity of their managers have made it possible to retrieve their intellectual heritage, cultural and architectural heritage. The uniqueness of the university model, the historical contribution to literature and science, beauty and richness of its buildings has made the December 2, 1998, UNESCO declared the University of Alcalá, a World Heritage Site.

Currently, the University of Alcala is a modern institution, medium size, known in Europe and America as a role model. In the classical humanistic studies and social sciences, the University of Alcalá incorporated the latest degrees in all scientific fields such as health sciences or engineering sciences distributed at various campuses, which are all of them, along with the Science and Technology Park, a crucial factor of international and dynamic element of región.Sus activity in our nearly 25,000 students, 1,700 teachers and 800 administrative and service workers give life to 41 degrees Officers, 15 Officers Graduate programs, 43 doctorates (15 of them with Quality Mention) and an important range of Masters and Graduate Studies. The high quality of its studies, the development of important research, sus relaciones internacionales, el interés art-historical flagship of sustainable buildings, nuevas y sus instalaciones y su modern full demands Adaptación a las del trabajo current market sitúan la vanguardia a la de las public universities.


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