Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Congratulations Last Month Before Baby Is Born

Compliments are not ranking the goals of the festival

The Pordenone back empty-handed also on the Tenni Treviso, having played for large stretches of the best leaders. I continue to express neroverdi good game, but the average points in the second round is from the relegation zone. I can not figure out what does not work in teams Bosi, which at times dominated their opponents, but then falls in naivety often lethal. That was evident Sunday when the last breath of a perfect first time, Campaner and members were able to get goals on the counterattack was born from a corner in favor. In the second half of the blue-white house in ten were for a last man foul, but ours have struggled even more to worry the goalkeeper Treviso, only to be (still on the break) the doubling full recovery. So Treviso, seemed irresistible not have to face in against us, it keeps the championship lead, while the lizard slips to positions of complete anonymity. The 13 supporters were present in the Veneto involuntary actors in a depressing incident occurred shortly before the beginning: our group was quietly reaching the industry guests, some home fans when we have repeatedly invited them to drink in a bar run by Chinese. Given the insistence we decided to stop for a beer fast even though we were practically attached at the stadium and widely recognizable by their scarves. After a few minutes the bar was filled with supporters of Treviso and we wanted to speed up the refreshed to avoid that our presence was misinterpreted as a provocation, although no fan biancazzurri had expressed impatience or threatening gestures. As long as the classic phenomenon, making frantic began to threaten to leave the bar screaming like hell, or we would end badly. Forte inevitable that the knot was joined in the subject has also cited some of our acts to be "heroes" in the first leg. Apparently occurred only in his mind, as fans arrived at Trevisani Bottecchia were respected as those that occurred without insult. The uproar led to the intervention of two agents of Digos, we have also requested to leave the room quickly. The agents will prove to be constant throughout the game then, and until the arrival of the train station. Inside the stadium, home of the curve we have ignored (as you would expect from a large fan base and sailed it in front of a group of 13 people) and has regularly supported the players home, particularly with an endless chorus on the notes God Save The Queen. We Pordenone we were commendable, both during the episode mentioned that during the game. Each of these can be proud of this trip. Next Sunday we rest, see you in Feb. 27, when it comes to Bottecchia the City of Concord.
kind Photos granting Enrico Manzini - www.fbctreviso.net/


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