Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What Do You Feed A 15 Month Old Dog

motors on for August 1: Fiat 500 wins the Friuli

Fiat 500 engine running in order to win the Friuli, Sunday, Aug. 1 will have its first stage Valvasone departing from and arriving in Maniago. In the midst of stops in San Daniele del Friuli and Friston. Will also attend the rally champion Robert Bishop (500 AD Abarth "Car Rally Service"), who will share with participants of the rally his passion for the 500. Organization of Pro Public Valvasone with local sponsors.
waited more than 50 pieces than 500 historic gathering brought to the club from Italy Fiat 500 club, Grup Mieze Mil Gonars Donkey in Group 500, Mezzolitro team. Half a thousand of Udine, Friuli Team Pasian di Prato, Trieste Miramare

during the day the participants in the meeting will learn about the environment, history, traditions, cultural tourism and sports activities of the local landscapes, through rich series of lectures and tastings. With the small Fiat at home (the protagonist of the operator of Italy in the boom years) to discover the riches of the Friuli area will be much easier

This is the program's first stage : 8:00 am registration at the point 500 in Castle Square in Valvasone; 10.00 am departure to San Daniele del Friuli, 10.30 am tour and tasting at an artisan ham, in Piazza Duomo in collaboration with the Consorzio del Prosciutto di San Daniele; hours 13.00 arrival at Friston, lunch and a visit to the village of Poffabro; at 16.00 and arrival at the disposal of the car in Maniago Italy Piazza for static display and visit the Museum of Cutlery, at 17.30 prize giving and I greet the authorities. The day will also be remembered through a publication of Ellerani and a DVD created for the occasion.

He has a passion for cars in the blood. He likes to run with his 500, but only in the rally, in complete safety. For the rest of Robert Bishop, one of the best known rally drivers nationally for its continued participation in the Italian Rally Championship, is one who appreciates the pleasure of driving a rally in sports tourism such as ours. This emiliano (comes from the province of Parma) open and sincere smile, has more than one link with the Friuli Venezia Giulia. First, for his hard work, they like to land friulgiuliana: builder during the week, great runner in the race weekend. Countless trophies in his career. And then his team: Roberto drives a Fiat Abarth 500 staged AD "Car Rally Service Brosolo Luca (President) and Mark Crozier (founder and quoted another rally driver), stable Manazzons Pinzano al Tagliamento and supported by Graphistudio Recikla. Together, the Emilia Romagna Friuli-group is dominating the national trophy Selenia 500 Abarth 2010 Rally. In a break from racing, will be at the rally.

The event is organized by the Pro Valvasone with

Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia (Department of Sport - Department of Tourism Friuli Venezia Giulia)
Province of Pordenone

Municipalities Valvasone, San Daniele del Friuli, Friston and Maniago

San Daniele Pro and Pro Maniago

Confcommercio - Ascom
Pordenone in Italy co-operation with Fiat 500 club, Grup Mieze Mil Gonars Donkey in Group 500, Mezzolitro team. Half a thousand of Udine, Friuli Team Pasian di Prato, Trieste Miramare
and with the support of St. George and Bcc Meduno, Coop Casarsa, Sina Group, Unipol Assicurazioni, Prosciutto San Daniele, Enopordenone, Department regional sports


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