Sunday, August 1, 2010

Is It Normal To Have Spots After Brazilian Wa

A success beyond expectations for the Fiat 500 wins the Friuli, Friuli-board tour of the iconic small car the Turin: the organizers of the Pro Valvasone (together with local authorities and sponsors) are expected fifty vehicles participants, and instead enrolled 117 crews well that today, August 1, occurred on the start line of Valvasone.

Leading the caravan to the sport of the Regional Councillor of Friuli Venezia Giulia Elio De Anna, who believed deeply in the project, who was driving a new 500 Abarth version. Behind him, the Fiat 500 from all eras and styles: among the most popular version of those limousine, convertible, entirely covered with a stamp, another flag and another with the pink Hello Kitty cute cat cartoon. Others had modern gadgets such as central locking, but otherwise everything was fully original. The media came from throughout the region, and also from the nearby Veneto Austria.

About 300 participants (each team is in fact made at least two people): fans of the motors, fans of vintage cars and even entire families with children. Also present were all directors of the countries affected by the first stage: Valvasone, San Daniele del Friuli (where there was also a tasting of prosciutto), Friston (lunch break and visit to the township Poffabro) and Maniago, home to the grand final in the afternoon with the presence of the rally champion Roberto Bishops (Fiat Abarth 500 Rally Car prepared by AD Service), a visit to the museum of blacksmithing and static display of the 500 participants in the great Italy Square.

During the day (from a nice sun-kissed) participants in the meeting were able to know the environment, history, traditions, cultural tourism and sports activities of the local landscapes with the rich series of meetings and tastings. "With the small Fiat at home - they said at the end - to discover the riches of the Friuli area was very easy and all fun."

The event was organized by the Pro Valvasone with
Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia (Department of Sport - Department of Tourism Friuli Venezia Giulia)

Municipalities of the Province of Pordenone Valvasone, San Daniele del Friuli, Friston and Maniago
Pro San Daniele and Pro Maniago
Confcommercio - Ascom Pordenone

in collaboration with Italy Fiat 500 club, Grup Mieze Mil Gonars Donkey in Group 500, Mezzolitro team. Half a thousand of Udine, Friuli Team Pasian di Prato, Trieste Miramare

and with the support of St. George and Bcc Meduno, Coop Casarsa, Sina Group, Unipol Assicurazioni, Prosciutto San Daniele, Enopordenone, Department regional sports

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Free Boat Plan Sunfish

-1 day to the Gathering!

All set for the Fiat 500 wins the Friuli
see you tomorrow from 8 onwards in downtown Valvasone.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What Do You Feed A 15 Month Old Dog

motors on for August 1: Fiat 500 wins the Friuli

Fiat 500 engine running in order to win the Friuli, Sunday, Aug. 1 will have its first stage Valvasone departing from and arriving in Maniago. In the midst of stops in San Daniele del Friuli and Friston. Will also attend the rally champion Robert Bishop (500 AD Abarth "Car Rally Service"), who will share with participants of the rally his passion for the 500. Organization of Pro Public Valvasone with local sponsors.
waited more than 50 pieces than 500 historic gathering brought to the club from Italy Fiat 500 club, Grup Mieze Mil Gonars Donkey in Group 500, Mezzolitro team. Half a thousand of Udine, Friuli Team Pasian di Prato, Trieste Miramare

during the day the participants in the meeting will learn about the environment, history, traditions, cultural tourism and sports activities of the local landscapes, through rich series of lectures and tastings. With the small Fiat at home (the protagonist of the operator of Italy in the boom years) to discover the riches of the Friuli area will be much easier

This is the program's first stage : 8:00 am registration at the point 500 in Castle Square in Valvasone; 10.00 am departure to San Daniele del Friuli, 10.30 am tour and tasting at an artisan ham, in Piazza Duomo in collaboration with the Consorzio del Prosciutto di San Daniele; hours 13.00 arrival at Friston, lunch and a visit to the village of Poffabro; at 16.00 and arrival at the disposal of the car in Maniago Italy Piazza for static display and visit the Museum of Cutlery, at 17.30 prize giving and I greet the authorities. The day will also be remembered through a publication of Ellerani and a DVD created for the occasion.

He has a passion for cars in the blood. He likes to run with his 500, but only in the rally, in complete safety. For the rest of Robert Bishop, one of the best known rally drivers nationally for its continued participation in the Italian Rally Championship, is one who appreciates the pleasure of driving a rally in sports tourism such as ours. This emiliano (comes from the province of Parma) open and sincere smile, has more than one link with the Friuli Venezia Giulia. First, for his hard work, they like to land friulgiuliana: builder during the week, great runner in the race weekend. Countless trophies in his career. And then his team: Roberto drives a Fiat Abarth 500 staged AD "Car Rally Service Brosolo Luca (President) and Mark Crozier (founder and quoted another rally driver), stable Manazzons Pinzano al Tagliamento and supported by Graphistudio Recikla. Together, the Emilia Romagna Friuli-group is dominating the national trophy Selenia 500 Abarth 2010 Rally. In a break from racing, will be at the rally.

The event is organized by the Pro Valvasone with

Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia (Department of Sport - Department of Tourism Friuli Venezia Giulia)
Province of Pordenone

Municipalities Valvasone, San Daniele del Friuli, Friston and Maniago

San Daniele Pro and Pro Maniago

Confcommercio - Ascom
Pordenone in Italy co-operation with Fiat 500 club, Grup Mieze Mil Gonars Donkey in Group 500, Mezzolitro team. Half a thousand of Udine, Friuli Team Pasian di Prato, Trieste Miramare
and with the support of St. George and Bcc Meduno, Coop Casarsa, Sina Group, Unipol Assicurazioni, Prosciutto San Daniele, Enopordenone, Department regional sports

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Custom Warrior Lacrosse Pinnie

missing only one week to the Fiat 500 wins the Friuli!

Growing waiting a little while ... 'to begin to see photos of the legendary 500 can be found on Facebook. Click here!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Can I Workout With Bells Palsy


E 'was presented today, July 16, 2010, in the hall of Rome Valvasone the first stage of "Fiat 500 wins the Friuli, the rally sport and tourism which aims to raise awareness beauty of the whole region.

President Pro spot Valvasone Italo Concas Domenico Balducci and his deputy (along with project coordinator Sara Cocetta) presented the event with the mayor Markus valvasonese Maurmair ("It 's a pleasure that this adventure starts from our town, combining a passion for sport promotion of the area), Vice-President of the Province of Pordenone Grizzo Eligio (" Just the Fiat 500 was the primary means by which many citizens of the province discovered the beauty of our land, because this car allowed them to travel more often ") and Alderman regional sports Elio De Anna (" a perfect route to the first stage: Valvasone and Friston, and its township Poffabro, which are among the most beautiful towns in Italy, and San Daniele and Maniago, towns with a typical production that makes known the Friuli Venezia Giulia in the world "). They brought their own greeting the mayor of San Daniele del Friuli Emilio Iob and the deputy mayor of Frisanco Gianluca Coghetto. Also present were representatives from the Police Casarsa, the presidents of the Association of Pro-spot Arcomet Spilimbergo (Sante Liva) and Sanvitese (Antonio Tesolin) and all clubs participating 500ntisti, in addition to the institutions that sponsor and actively support the project .

The first stage will be held on 1 August next: 8:00 am registration at the point 500 in Castle Square in Valvasone; 10:00 am departure to San Daniele del Friuli, a guided tour at 10:30 am ham crafts and wine tasting, in Piazza Duomo in collaboration with the Consorzio del Prosciutto di San Daniele, at 13.00 arriving in Friston, lunch and a visit to the village of Poffabro; at 16.00 and arrival at the disposal of the car in Maniago Italy Piazza for static display; visit the Museum of Cutlery, at 17.30 and awards salute the authorities. Will also attend the rally champion Robert Bishop (500 AD Abarth "Car Rally Service"), who will share with participants of the rally his passion for the 500.
The day will also be remembered through a publication of Ellerani and a DVD created for the occasion.

The objective
during the day the participants in the meeting will learn about the environment, history, traditions, cultural tourism and sports activities of the local landscapes with the rich series of meetings and tastings. With the small Fiat at home (the protagonist of the operator of Italy in the boom years) to discover the riches of the Friuli area will be much easier (live updates on the blog and Facebook page 500 that passion).

The event is organized by the Pro Valvasone with
Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia (Department of Sport - Department of Tourism Friuli Venezia Giulia)
Province of Pordenone
Valvasone municipalities, San Daniele del Friuli, Friston and San Daniele Maniago
Pro and Pro Maniago
Confcommercio - Ascom Pordenone (this presentation Lorenzo Cardin).

in collaboration with Italy Fiat 500 club, Grup Mieze Mil Gonars Donkey in Group 500, Mezzolitro team. Half a thousand of Udine, Friuli Team Pasian di Prato, Trieste Miramare (all present at the paint with their beautiful valvasonese 500).

and with the support of St. George and Bcc Meduno, Coop Casarsa, Sina Group, Unipol Assicurazioni, Prosciutto San Daniele, Enopordenone (This Councillor Nicola Pittaro), Regional Department for sport

For info and reservations:
Valvasone Pro Loco (PN) Tel / Fax 898 898 0434 - e_mail valvasone.ufftur @

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What Does Dry Oil Body Spray Do To Your Body?

500 Friday, July 16 will start your engines!

Friday, July 16 in Rome to Valvasone room (at 11, in Market Square) will be shown on the official program of the first stage of the Fiat 500 in 2010 to win the Friuli, scheduled on August 1. See you there!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Warrior Racerback Lacrosse Pinnies

The Giro del Friuli in 500 takes shape

Drive around the Friuli Venezia Giulia on the edge of the legendary Fiat 500, visiting all the 218 regional common: this is The project originated in a region in the world of the Five Hundred, capable, in the summer, to move an average of one thousand people per month with their rallies.

The idea has found fertile ground in Valvasone, where local Pro site is working to make it a reality. "Together with us - Cocetta said Sara, who is overseeing the project - including municipalities, associations of production, the Province of Pordenone and the Friuli Venezia Giulia, a tour to promote sports in stages, starting from the legendary automotive car symbol d ' Italy, would allow to know the territory, history and typical gastronomic products of our region. " The first

round must be held during this summer, the banner of "slow motion" that guarantees the 500, the machine with its charm transforms any journey into a unique journey. Due to the small house Fiat (Italy's leading operator in the economic boom years) to discover the riches of the Friuli area will be much easier.

For the Jaguar photo by: (Information We look forward

Monday, June 14, 2010

Curing Salt In Dallas

Love the Fiat 500? Then click this page on Facebook!

on this page to Facebook

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Can You Catch Warts From Brazilian Waxing

But how nice to go to 500 ...

Text test 500 ... (photo by Wikipedia / Stefan Flöper)

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Put Cheats Gpsphone Without Computer

Joseph De Luca candidate who is against?

The instrumentation on the application of Vincenzo De Luca comes in Campania by return mail. However, this time by a po'tutti. His candidacy is obviously too cumbersome to collect a favorable reviews and assessments of his colleagues. Those reviews that instead, not much going back in time, had found favor with most critics, even by opponents and that inevitably had obtained the consent people. De Luca, however, inconvenient for the allies of the Democratic Party, Italy of Values \u200b\u200bsee Di Pietro De Magistriis pulling in and dance concepts such as "discontinuity" or "moral issue". But even for those who can not stand still, see Casini's UDC which will have a reason to be on the side of the PDL and not pretend to "be the life preserver of PD." It 'clear as then assume that the ranks of the center-right positions to take on the phantom unit or unity of center-left. I tell my
without any conditions and away - as always - every cliché from easy to achieve in these circumstances that the application of De Luca could not be that the most appropriate in a region devastated in recent years by nefarious businessmen and managers on issues of topical (one for all the waste problem that is unfortunately not the only one) and when the people Campano, battered on several fronts, wants to see an end.
The choice of the mayor of Salerno seems a pragmatic choice, quite sensible and exploitation considered by opponents who seem more sterile and devoid of argument. Myself that I still have doubts about the pre-announced and heralded a change of direction and "novelty" within the Democratic Party more than "liberals", I find that in Campania has been made a courageous choice more than ever and consistent. And 'This is the path to be pursued, no doubt about it. De Luca
Who better than man and can make political change occurring in the center-left? But before the
especially critical by the most diverse political parties that are raging in the media, at this time and will continue, I feel I can ask, "who is without sin cast the first stone." Casini, Di Pietro Ferrero and the same opponents inside the PD who are criticizing this choice (also Bassolino?) Remember their origins and their party colleagues and the lists of men of past proposals. Then if there is a politician in Italy is not currently under investigation for something I did name and last name.
Finally, if the work of De Luca Salerno as administrator can not be questioned, as is stressed by many, we are already one step ahead because in politics there are examples of mismanagement on the go "sightseeing." By its application we are finally to give a slap to the old politics of patronage and lobbying, and we are formally time to turn the page with the policy of treaties and false diplomacy.
The new advances, Vincenzo Greetings!