Monday, July 27, 2009

Wording Forthree Year Old Birthday Invitation


"But when thou doest alms, do not thy left hand know what makes right, so that your alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret will reward you "(Matthew 6:3,4).

No promise is addressed to those who give to be seen of men. Receive it, immediately, their reward, and can not be rewarded twice. We hide our acts of charity, yes, even to ourselves. We donate frequently with such ease and in abundance to forget that he helped the poor as well as we do not remember what we ate during meals! Give your bids without even suggest to yourself, oh, how generous! Not so groped reward. Let dip in the hands of God, who never fails to see, take note and pay. Blessed is the man involved in the manifestation of his goodness in secret, will experience a special joy in his benevolence unknown. This is the bread, eaten in secret is sweeter than the banquets of kings. How can I leave now crushed by this delicious lust? I, however, put all the joy of the feast of tenderness of the outburst of the soul and spiritual. Here on earth and in heaven above, the Lord himself will seek to reward the one who secretly gives its offerings. This will occur according to His plan and His timing, and he certainly will choose the best. What is still this promise is to signify eternity will be required to reveal it!


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