Friday, January 30, 2009

Calories Publix Roast Beef Sub Sub

The fear of wiretapping

Who's Afraid of the wiretaps in Italy?
The debate in the past week came in the climax, on a more general reform of the justice which - if desired Government forces - seems to be right now just shared.
Berlusconi and then lined up all his followers certainly watching with concern the current rules governing the judicial power of investigation related to wiretapping, this seems like a given unequivocal. Perhaps because, as someone noted - see the smooth Antonio Di Pietro - the problem is that the intercepts bother those who have the conscience a little dirty or who, although not the nobility of feeling in this state 'mind, must act to make sure that this tool gives the least possible discomfort. The intercepts in fact can not be a concern or a nuisance by those who do their business honestly, they are for those who can perform or act unlawfully. It dimostasse otherwise.
Knight and Alfano argue that a limit should be placed. But I wonder a limit to what and why? Because they cost too much? The question is also the response of the PDL. Besides, who is against
brings up privacy. An excuse like in the era of computerization, digitization and new technological means of communication is a little ridiculous if only because now the communication between individuals is based overwhelmingly on these new media (internet included). Protecting your personal information seems to me a substantial idiocy that can not stand when it comes to judicial investigations.
course you can also include a limit and no one discusses. Yet looking at the words of the Chief Prosecutor Caselli we see that the data on the use of this investigative tool, to date, are still very small (only 0.20%).
The power of assessment relating to wiretapping, should judges and bodies to ensure that justice is essential . But not only for crimes against human beings, as argued by the elite of the judiciary, the inauguration of the judicial year. We think it is useful and essential for all other offenses. Not only against the crimes and criminal organizations.
So when Di Pietro insists on the issue of wiretapping as well as all the other related to justice - more severe penalties on the one hand and the certainty of punishment itself which is opposed to impunity in the other - we can only totally supportive of him and if he seems a bit "populist" in his way to outsource their opinions and scream, as many have said (including the left and center-left), it is also true that his reasons, besides consistent are as plausible and legitimate grounds.
conclude with his words: "those who have nothing to hide, no fear of being intercepted." (A. Di Pietro).

Friday, January 16, 2009

Mv42v1.3 Sound Driver

Solidarity with Raffaele Cattaneo

this morning on a regional train to Milan Bergamo happened a very regrettable incident: the Department for Transport in the Region of Lombardy, Raffaele Cattaneo , was stopped by the Police Station along with the Secretary to the President Marc Raimondi for finding the person, apparently in response to some flash triggered by a photojournalist and newspaper journalists Eco di Bergamo on the train to do their job. The conductor drew the intervention of forces Polfer since warned of the presence of people "not authorized" to take some pictures. In short, journalists and institutional representatives that are hampered in their work . Alderman
Cattaneo goes all our estimate for the commendable work being done because to get the pulse of the problems and hardships faced by commuters and especially to go on the field to verify the run-down public transport, in this case State Railways - the chronically ill - should have to endure even so deplorable attitudes. That councilor was already the third trip after that on the Milan-Como-Varese and Milan in recent days. It does not seem out of place even his disappointment towards more Trenitalia intent to "worry about who makes the pictures and the quality of service." Yes, because it happens that train was traveling with about 15 'delay, which unfortunately does not even look like a lot considering the average of recent times. Not only that. Journalists and politicians are two witnesses to dirty carriages, some of them cold, heat and the first two in the head of the train closed and reopened only a few minutes before leaving. "You can not travel to the people in this way is a matter of human dignity," he said. And how can we believe him. Photography is a disservice to its perennial that commuters now have to live with and accept resignation.
From their song Trenitalia employees what they do? They try to enforce their "rules" in the presence and in spite of the problems that weigh on them like boulders and shoulders above all on their own responsibility! If these problems are obvious to all that you need to challenge these attitudes, or worse, out of spite toward those who want to do the job?
Commuters therefore can only be met if a member institution of the Region to take note of the current situation in the local train service in order to understand how to improve it.
fact from the pages of this blog sent to us like the commissioner Cattaneo Raimondi and to continue their work in support of the Lombard citizens and also take a trip on the line Milan-Piacenza here to see the hardships of daily commuters.
We expect continued.

Monday, January 12, 2009

The Aravind Eye Hospital, Madurai, India Problems

Laviano, a timeless country

The snowy peaks of the Campano-Lucano Apennine Mountains which surround and surround, a greatly expanded municipal area which borders three provinces (Salerno, Avellino and Potenza), wide streets and open green spaces, structures playgrounds and sports very eyes, finely stylized houses, a pleasant village of wooden houses named after "anti-stress," an oasis of high mountain with a shelter named "Hotel of silence" and a cemetery that one of the few so far visited is the only one not present a bleak and gloomy appearance typical of those places.
If I quote the cemetery because there is a very strong sense of my trip and the visit of that Laviano, near Salerno, a country with little more than 1,500 souls, situated 500 meters above sea level in the upper Valle del Sele, in the Mount Flagpole lord and master. Entirely destroyed by the earthquake of 23 November 1980 that killed 300 people and a reputation alas cruel to its inhabitants. In the words - all of a sudden - and sad love Alex Nicolino Ciottariello there is all the eloquence of a wound never healed by that community. The pain they carry within the citizens of Laviano is indelible because everyone has survived losing a chunk of his family, a loved one or other a relative, a friend. A piece of its history.
And that I understood immediately, as I walked those places, living in shadows and light at the same time. Together with Nicolino, the companion of this trip, Lavianese doc as well as simple person, genuine and hospitable but also so lively.
who paid the price for the country even after the earthquake was followed by reconstruction with a slow, difficult and not always appropriate choices as often can happen (some "barracks" and that bell ending pracedenti wanted by authorities ).
But perhaps the biggest brunt of the town of Laviano has faced with birth rates, especially at the turn of the millennium, have been reduced by pushing the Mayor Rocco Falivena, still in office at the second term in 2002 to donate money in support of 10,000 € in 5 years to cope with the inevitable migration to northern cities on the one hand and encourage others to return to their homeland. That year, there had been only 4 births, a figure bleak.
how to give criticism or wrong (as someone did) the choice of a mayor who wanted to avoid the progressive disappearance of a community? It would be like to die twice. And after the effort and the great strength of character fashioned by Lavianesi to recover from an event so traumatic as the catastrophic earthquake that had hit them, did not seem so unreasonable given the a decent support for births. Yet in 2007 this aid was suspended. I would not consider whether it is right or wrong decision of a prosecutor, but we must also understand if the reasons for such a measure were also taken in a responsible manner. "We wanted to save at least the schools that make us feel even a country." In the words of the Mayor there is obviously a bitter taste for a "southern problem" still unresolved. Laviano note mattered, before the earthquake, more than 2,000 inhabitants. In any case, the recognition, 25 years after recurrence, the city has received and is of great significance and value "on the occasion of a disastrous earthquake, with great dignity, spirit of sacrifice and commitment, faced the difficult task of rebuilding their living tissue, and the rebirth of their future social, economic and productive . An admirable example of civic value and high sense of self-denial. " With this sentence was awarded the gold medal for civil merit. I have visited the country in these Christmas holidays and are tangible signs of reconstruction. Considering the enormous difficulties in their recent history, largely Lavianesi deserve this honor.
How not to return to a country so hospitable! Here I found the right mix of the necessary elements for a peaceful life, healthy and long lasting: mountains, green, clean air, sports facilities and good food. By the way, if you take a trip over there and you love good food like me, you can not make a bet at the legendary restaurant Sant'Agata where the genuine tastes of homemade pasta and other dishes premises are true delicacy for the palate.
So my appeal to the mayor of Laviano is easily done: from Milan would be willing to run away - Dear Doctor - with my little family and as they say "we would come on foot" to live in your beautiful country! With an "accommodation" of course, then with or without the "baby bonus" children? One after the other.
Force Laviano, carry on!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Kates Playground The Rabbit Free Vid

Milan 07/01/2009: a snowfall Happy birthday to frame

January 7, 2009, a date that I think the Milanese forget.
A year or beginning of a return to work if we are worthy of a nightmare day.
Milan, the "great Milan", bent his knees before no more than 32 cm of snow, measured. The picture helps you to understand that the car in the parking lot is submerged for less than half of the wheel with a diameter of 80 cm. And if the mayor Moratti has spoken to more than 40 cm and not worry because he was in the throes of amnesia (I wonder morale!? See manual of the legendary Franco Varrella), perhaps because of the bad impression said last night before the national news. Also the site of the City on January 6th setting forth its words: "The situation is under control .. our plan already provides that there will be a worsening in the coming hours. Tomorrow the school will be open because there is an alarm likely to recommend to close. " Reassuring words to which I myself that evening, after the family returned from vacation, I thought credible. Quite the contrary. Means literally paralyzed
: trains with delays that often exceed 60 '(not even trust the data scoreboard Rogoredo, Piacenza of 16:20 came with 65' delay) for the hardships of network connection or for locomotives Stra-old men who succumb to those temperatures (after all what can you expect from the FS if the delays and inconveniences are the agenda as soon as absolutely normal), trams and buses blocked for several hours to the massive presence of snow rails and roads, subway lines 1 and 3 blocked for power line failures, self skate through the streets with incidents reported in large numbers. Schools closed. In short, a disaster
. But what makes more angry is that the weather forecast said everything in advance. I went down Dec. 23 and even then all the weather reports warned of the wave of frost and snow forecast from Epiphany. Possible that this was not enough to stem this event?
How do you talk about a wave of exceptionally bad weather or more "intense than expected?
I wonder with which the measures that the Mayor Moratti of Milan and the City in its bodies, railways, ATM has not taken appropriate countermeasures (who knows even the walls!) To combat a phenomenon announced or otherwise no they have carefully assessed. It is not even enough for the example of January 2006 where the city was paralyzed with just 20 cm of snow. Means snowplow, people in large numbers, salt everywhere, and these things seemed more time - according to the announcements of the same with Mayor data in hand - having to fight the snow. Instead, the day after we saw very different scene than "countersink and manual salting sidewalks sensitive points of the city ', the inputs of hospitals, schools, access to subways and platforms of the stops ATM," said 15 hours before not in words but in deeds (my photo shows the stairs that connect the train station in Milan Lancetti that are visibly covered with white suite danger to passers-by).
Yet the City of Milan is justified by the nice gesture to have won the salt of snow to Turin next friend while stocks last. What a laugh! Possible but the first 15 hours and then it seemed there was a wave of snow of that sort is expected to turn the other cheek to a different city to look before something goes wrong instead of your own home? There's something back there?
me anything. To think that Milan is the city that will host the Expo 2015.
A first chip image of the city, avoidable?

Children come parvulos.