Monday, November 17, 2008

Stomach Growls While Pregnant

The special blessing of the Pope to Pinochet

In the bustle of emails that are exchanged daily electronic universe, one in particular sent to me by a friend could not go unnoticed. The news is not new but emerged plus - it seems - even a decade ago, also from the pages of a popular Italian weekly.
The object is a letter Pope John Paul II on 18 February 1993. "In general Augusto Pinochet Ugarte and his distinguished wife, Mrs. Hiriarde Lucia Pinochet, on the occasion of their golden wedding and marriage as a pledge of abundant graces, I give great pleasure, as well as their children and grandchildren, an apostolic blessing special. John Paul II. "Thus concluded his letter in English to the Supreme Pontiff on the day of the anniversary of the golden anniversary of the famous Chilean general.
Who was Pinochet? Concise and effective this biography that traces his military and political career. I would still be able to say that he was one of the most authoritarian and murderous dictators that our Recent history has ever known. His power came with a coup (in the days when I was a baby, 1973) that overthrew the de facto government of Socialist Salvador Allende. It is no secret to having it there imbarezzeremo history (contemporary) if we can say that that was funded by the CIA coup of then president Richard Nixon (the Watergate scandal and the first and only president to resign from the office of the White House ), arch-enemy of Allende, who did not intend to impose its policy to the interests of powerful American lobbies.
The tyranny of Pinochet and his dictatorship continued until 1988, when a referendum is reintroduced democracy. The data that emerge its persecutions are disturbing: the ratio Valech developed by Independent Inquiry Committee in 2006 provides the numbers that make one shiver, as the approximately 28,000 cases of torture or political detention. Gentlemen, this is history, no one will feel offended .. for the love of God (Francis docet!).
In such a framework is more embarrassing and disturbing fact that the first letter of Pope John Paul II and Cardinal Sodano then. These are the complete texts ( read here).
The letters appear to have been published in 1998 by the same Pinochet.
Yet, strangely, I do not remember any "echo chamber" formed before a news like that? Opinions? Maybe I have short memory and I was not particularly close at that time. Certainly the elements for the emergence of a debate or at least there had been any comparison.
what to say and what to think? Surprised is an understatement. As a Catholic I am deeply offended. You can not hide the fact that these writings with the Vatican and the Catholic Church are guilty of shameful. And that remains.
While wanting to delve into the reasons for a "strong diplomacy" which the temporal power of the Vatican State and the Church in general is due to always serve to weave the web of relationships must also against those people and those powerful so far his "belief", it is hard to understand the same attitude so shamelessly servile and subservient. One Response
the Church has yet to succeed, always, though.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Fun Centerpieces Graduation

healing the blind man of Bethsaida

"The Healing of a Blind Man"

In the Gospel of Mark, chapter 8, verse from 22 to 26, we find the story of
healing the blind man of Bethsaida. It not only talks about the joy of a man who recovers,
thanks to Jesus, the precious gift of sight, but is "signpost" that speaks to us of our spiritual
situation and how it might respond to the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
read the text. "Then came to Bethsaida, and they brought a blind man, begged him to touch.
then took him by the hand and led him outside the village and when he spat on
imposed upon the eyes and hands, and asked if he saw something. And he, raising his eyes
, said: "I see people walking and I look like trees." Then put the new
hands over his eyes and made him look up, and he recovered his sight and saw all clearly
. And Jesus sent him back to his house, saying, "Do not enter the village
and not tell anyone in the village" (Mark 8:22-26).

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Donde Conseguir Material Hussyfan

Pasolini and the courage of the truth I go to Massimo

"Death is not being able to communicate but can not be understood." On his untenability Pasolini saw afar. "Guest too summaries in the courtroom does not make it, thirty years after his death, justice of man," so I concluded some years ago wrote a post on the blog pages of 's "opinion maker" Vincent, recalling the Figure Pierpaolo Pasolini, with a portrait that tended to rediscover it more as a writer and thinker of our time. I limit myself therefore to describe a concise definition from the Wikipedia: "is internationally regarded as one of the greatest Italian artists and intellectuals of the twentieth century."
This time I focus on just death and the injustice that has lasted to this day on his crime and what may have been the real culprits. Today, 33 years after his death, nothing has changed. Indeed, for some years now, the confessions of John "Frog" - sole culprit for that ' horrible and heinous crime that has paid with jail for his crime alleged, if something is centered - are even more anger and confirm that more and more behind Pasolini you had done a conspiracy.
Pelosi's diary begins with these words: "I took all the responsibility not to involve my friends then. He was the lawyer who suggested that the defensive line. I thought that the minor would have got off lightly."
The "riccietto", similar to one of the characters tell their own by Pasolini in his novels and in his films, said the process of falsity and that's a fact: one of all to have been him just to kill poet, while the evidence and records confirm the opposite. The same Pelosi has admitted after more than thirty years: "There were three who had a Sicilian accent .. and if I said nothing is for afraid of retaliation. I served only to lure ".
The last half-truths about this man confirm the validity of assumptions that are enclosed in beautiful film by Marco Tullio Giordana," Pasolini, an Italian crime ".
What he wanted us to understand with Pelosi those words, to kill Pasolini there was the case for the mafia? c'entrino I wonder what the Sicilians, however, we are still confronted with a deviation of the truth.
Stop it once and for all to take us around and tell to the bottom of this unfortunate truth. There is more of a reason to think and believe that the enemies Pasolini had them in Rome, very close to those villages who attended and who told idealistically in his works. And that it was the work of the characters in the street of the neighborhood (as well as some have claimed) or nerds as "the frog". There is a hand thinking and Pelosi would stop once and for all to continue with these half-truths that allow meanwhile crazy for some dirty money. Pelosi knows the names of those who blackmailed his hand and not know who is behind these people, can not be otherwise. Pelosi Who were they? We say it once and for all and do not do it just for the sake of truth but Pierpaolo.
Pasolini was killed because it was not only an inconvenient critic, but he had the courage to name names and last names of the massacres of those years and those who had planned to organize the movement of fascist action against the community that takes the foot after '68.
script that he signed in November 1974 a famous editorial in Corriere della Sera, a year before they kill him, all his eloquence in showing what could be his enemies. There illustrate some steps to try (but I recommend you read it in full here ):
" .. I know the names of those responsible for what is called a" coup "(which is actually a series of coup "istituitasi a protection system of power). I know the names of those responsible for the massacre in Milan on December 12, 1969. I know the names those responsible for massacres of Brescia and Bologna in the first months of 1974. I know the names of the "summit" that has operated, therefore, designers of both the old fascist "coup", is the neo-fascist perpetrators of the first massacres, and finally, the "unknown" material authors of the recent massacres. I know the names that have managed the two different, indeed opposite phases of the tension: a first anti-phase (Milan 1969) and a second phase of the antifascist (Brescia and Bologna 1974). I know the names of those who, from a Mass and the other, have given the provisions and ensured the security policy in general older (to keep standing in reserve, the organization of a potential coup), a young neo-fascists, even neo-Nazis (To create tension in the concrete anti), and common criminals, until now, and perhaps forever, without a name (to create the next power-fascist) ...
I know. But I have no evidence. Indizi.Io I did not even know why I'm an intellectual, a writer who tries to follow everything that happens to know everything that he writes, to imagine all that you do not know or is silent; coordinating events also far, which puts together the pieces of a fragmented and disorganized whole coherent policy framework that restores the logic where there seems to be arbitrariness, madness and mistero.Tutto this is part of my job and the instinct my job ".. of course, intellectual. not just anybody but a profound, sensitive and so brave.
Its terrible and horrible death is screaming revenge again, because now the truth has not yet emerged. That truth Pasolini has always looked up to the death and that, unfortunately, the Italian justice has not returned, as in any process worthy of the name.
Moreover, not surprisingly, the courage of truth in this world is just stuff and I think Pasolini is one of them.