Sunday, February 22, 2009

Homemade Tuning Piaggio Zip

PD Franceschini

I would have hoped that the secretariat of the Democratic Party was headed by Pier Luigi Bersani and instead advances the vice Dario Franceschini.
a change? One would ask whether a deputy can walk in the opposite direction to that of his predecessor? Certainly his words are now strong and contrasting the forces of government and in particular to Prime Minister Berlusconi, guilty that he favored a gradual concentration of power in his hands and then unconstitutional. But this objective is to bet on a crime in a future opposition government? And if you would like to show? Berlusconi is still the prime minister and current laws do not allow you to process it.
Di Pietro claimed a few days ago when Veltroni lower the sail, which opposition needed a "strong and serious." He now, like it or not, did it and you can not deny. I wonder if Franceschini hours deemed to continue with a policy closer to that of Italy of Values, or follow the line of the radical left. Who knows. Its task is not certainly difficult to manage because it will, in any case, balance, however, that both sides have their own ideas and their beliefs. It will not be easy. The
antiberlusconismo, what was missing friend Walterino seems to be overwhelmingly re-launched with specific references to the Constitution: the policy pursued so far by Berlusconi "is against the constitution to which he has sworn allegiance," said the new secretary of the PD .
Rather I think the solemn oath that he himself has done before a handful of fellow citizens and his father George - a partisan Catholic - with his hands on a copy of that card kept in the same year his father seemed to me far from significant and moving. Out of place in everything, that is. It is not "abnormal" as he has termed, is forced. The tenderness and emotion of the father in me has not softened at all. If this was to be the instrument to show that Berlusconi is against the Italian Constitution are, in my view, misguided. Need something else!
symbols and the call can not be a historic opportunity to revive a party that fails to compact the opposition forces, which still points to the political opposition with Silvio Berlusconi and who can not follow a common and effective autonomous action manifests itself in people's real problems. What especially do not realize in time that an Italy is gradually depleting. The crisis is not
only economic.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Coconut Cake And Migraines

I know: Di Pietro as Pasolini

With a style reminiscent albeit vaguely Pier Paolo Pasolini in his "delusional" editorial of the '70s (an excerpt of them find it here ), Antonio Di Pietro launches his knowledge against the dishonesty of the Italian system. I found it interesting and why the public.