Monday, September 29, 2008

Gir From Invader Zim Costume

The whistle of the referee?

The spending cuts which will also cover the public school are discussed. The opposition and trade unions all have moved against the reform plan advanced by the Berlusconi government.
Minister Gelmini today, like what he had said the head of state, called a "grand alliance ", which is essential to give birth to a "new school, of excellence, a quality school for all" . In the Holy Alliance Gelmini include all stakeholders: students, teachers, parents, institutions and the school itself as an "instrument of redemption for all the boys" and as an educational institution.
The Minister also said that the opposition sees the school as "the battleground to Government ".
The critical points raised by the left are the" single master ", if we want a return to origins, as well as the cuts that affect the full-time and English. In that regard was very clear the position of the PD the mouth of Veltroni, who spoke of an idea of \u200b\u200bthe school by the government "not inclusive" that does nothing but exacerbate "social inequalities. The reduction of full-time is another blow to the poorest families. "
In this debate we are very much alive - still today - the words of Giorgio Napolitano added that I would have been quite surprising. The Head of State has in fact diluted the criticisms of the reform of the government by of Trade Unions and the Left. He spoke of an "imperative" inalienable part of Italy that in "its own vital interest," he pledged to reduce the deficit to zero over the next few years. "This means, no denying, restraint in spending for the school." Of course Napolitano then immediately added, to counterbalance the objective of reducing these costs should be made "in a climate of dialogue" and must not take precedence over all others. Efficiency and quality in School, this essentially the message of the Head of State!?
course dear President, we all know that in public schools, like other sectors of society and its institutions, to combat waste has become the dominant imperative. The irrationality must be confronted, contained, and if possible cut short.
Apart from the fact that I expected such a speech by a Minister or a Minister of the Economy education or if we want a President of the Council voted to freedom and liberalism and a supporter of his Government. Certainly not by a head of state.
Sure, the sign of the unity we want dialogue, we want the alliance to pursue common objectives. But for this it is necessary, as in any democracy worthy of the name, which the unions do their part and the opposition plays the role of their potential, and that the President continues to be the referee of a game and does not impede the debate and take positions as in this case (if not obvious policy).
I am not able to know if the cuts are objectively inevitable as the school commemorates Napolitano. But I know that there is never a time investment, which are also the basis for a real change and improvement of the school. But that's okay, is not the time of investment and that's fine. But not always riempiamoci mouth on 'excellence' (assuming that the speaker will know the meaning of teaching materials) or the usual "quality", also on the School is now out of fashion. Dear President
why do not you say a bit on the Alitalia affair, this sideshow that was created and designed to "save" a company in severe loss that supports the "public money"? And why
about "government waste" does not enlighten us on the costs of politics, from the hundreds of thousands of parliamentarians and senators of each species that first field with salaries and pensions and dizzy?
Dear President is not ready with his whistle to warn the referee football on a democratic debate, such as the Public School today. Life in its essence. Thanks.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Is It Ok To Wash Bath Rugs In An He Washer

Bees inspiring Safety

Yesterday I was surprised by the idea had to be Nissan's innovative technology and in particular in robotics .

The prestigious automotive Nipponica presented at Ceatec - fair-edge IT and electronics - a project that is intended to draw a very important trend towards road safety, with the creation of a robot car "biomimetrico" baptized BR23C .

The original idea was inspired by both the biology of bees and their flight. In fact, taking cue organ of visual perception of this insect, capable of a higher viewing angle of 300 ° omnidirectional, engineers have developed a laser camera able to change the direction of a vehicle to avoid the impact. To better understand the concept that you can see this ingenuity has led blog.

A brilliant idea which I believe will mark a groove in the anti-collision technology related to road safety. Certainly thinking of a car that can suddenly change direction due to an external stimulus is a little "species" because even then you should understand how such a technology is able to integrate in a non-automatic piloting system of common vehicles such as the present. If it is intended.